Chapter 1

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"Can you please please please just try, Kenji?" Akiro has been bugging Kenji to change his eye color which is obviously unnecessary.

"I've told you a hundred times Akiro. That's not how it works." Kenji brushed up his hair in frustration.

"But you can control senses right?"

Kenji is the strongest of all of us. He can take out the five basic senses of a human. Sight, taste, smell, hear and touch. He can do it in physical manners but is still unable to do it in long range.

Kenji lowered his head in frustration. "I'm going to shut your mouth, Akiro." He threatened.

Sakae laughed. "Do you want me to make another version of you?" She offered.

Sakae can make illusions. She make people see what she wants them to see. Its a really good trick for Kenji and Akiro which never disappoint in entertaining us.

"Stop it, Sakae. Its not funny." Akiro plummered down.

I chuckled. "Too bad."

Me? I'm not that special. I can manipulate and project force fields. To be specific, I can create force fields anywhere I want- even inside someone's body, but I have to be specific on the location. I can use the energy of force fields to project invisible explosions or boosters, that is basically how I fly. Well, I am praciticing, but lately, I can project sparkling force fields which in other terms are charged force fields.

"Ms. Midnight is a little late today, isn't she?" I said as I doze off. Ms. Midnight is sometimes late, but she always tip us off is ever.

"So, Mikasi, how's your class doing?" Kenji asked.

I sighed. "I haven't really gotten to meet them yet. Our schedule always gets mashed up."

"That's rough. Class B is actually fun, but they are too much for my nerves." Sakae said.

"Class C has some pretty interesting students. They have quite the strong quirks." Kenji said.

"The Support Group constantly gives me these things I don't really use, but its fun. They're always busy so I get to nap." Akiro said.

Oh, Akiro. Well, Akiro is probably the scariest. He may seem hyper but he can see and project our dreams and fears. He can make us see our greatest fears and control our emotions toward it. Its one thing he holds against us that's why we kind of get along well. We all can instantly paralyze each other, so we make a deal to not get into each other's nerves.

"I wish I can see Class A already." I sighed.

Suddenly, Ms. Midnight came barging through our door.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Mikasi, come with me. The rest, its training duty."

Then they all groaned. Training duty is what we do everyday when there's nothing new to discuss. Its basically like mandatory to us now.

I stood and followed her outside.

"What's wrong, Ms. Midnight?" I asked.

She fidgeted, like she was in a hurry. "We've been called that there was an attack in USJ. Class A is there, so I'm taking you with me. Go change into your costume now."

My mind didn't have a minute to process it all. The next thing I knew, I was running to our lockers beside our room. My costume was a white full body bodysuit that automatically fits my body. The lower part changes fabric when I use it so it won't feel uncomfortable. I wear a gold elastic belt that I requested that can transform into a glowing whip. It absorbs the energy of the force fields and transfers it to the end of the whip. I figured that my quirk is a little limited, so I wanted to use something creative. I wear gold long boots that project that force fields from the heels that can make me, well, fly. Technically, its like bouncing.

My costume is like inspired from Midnight herself since I really like her. She was like my ideal teacher and best friend. She seemed so cool.

We immediately left with other teachers. I was feeling a little uneasy since almost all teachers were with us, even Principal Nezu, who was excited to see me, I can't believe it.

"A group of villains suddenly appeared! Mr. Aizawa is currently taking them on by himself!" Someone exclaimed as we arrive at USJ.

Oh, he looks familiar. His costume was similar to Ingenium.

We barged in and the moment I entered the building, there were students by the stairs and there were explosions and ice bergs everywhere.

"Mikasi." Midnight called. I looked at her and she nodded. That was my cue. I didn't waste any second.

I jumped up and searched the ground. All Might was in the plaza, Mr. Aizawa was down and there were at least seven students with them. In front of All Might, was someone who I believe is the villain, basically because he's the one attacking them. As I was falling, I slashed both my arms, creating charged vertical fields. It hit the villain and the person he's with that sent him tumbling backwards. As I land, I noticed all their pretty shocked faces.

"All Might." I called. He looked at me and nodded.

"We got you covered." I told the students who were looking at me speechless. Okay, I don't know if there's something in my face or its because we all just met.

"No." The villain growled.

Suddenly, there was a rain of bullets. It was the perfect timing. The villain was hit several times and when I was about to trap them in a force field, a dark warp surrounded them. I was almost pulled but luckily, I let go.

When I turned around, there were still many villains but they look like pawns. I pulled my belt and stretched it to a whip.

The students were doing amazing actually. They had good fighting skills and control of their quirks. One student caught my eye, he was someone familiar.

He had his back turned from a villain, so I jumped above him and slashed it with my whip. It got sliced in half. Disturbing.

This one kid got explosions in his hands so I just control the range of it by directing it to other villains.

In a flash, it was all over. I looked for All Might and he was with a student.

"Mikasi. Thanks for coming." He said.

"T-thank y-you!" The student he was with said and bowed several times.

I was flustered when I saw his injuries. "A-are you okay?" I asked.

His head shot up. "I'm okay. I wanted to help All Might and everyone else."

Well, he truly had the hero spirit.

Midnight came down with Cementoss. We all gathered the students and let all the injured travel back first.

When the whole class was gathered, I saw the student I thought was familiar again. I was right. I did knew him.


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