Chapter 1

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Rob is a 15 year old that is walking and see his friend and asks him if he want to do something that is undoable but is possible and his friend said yes so they started working on it it was done by 7:45PM then Rob said let's see if it works he Freind say alright here we go
Ale is born the worlds most smartest assistant to be invent let's see apple and Samsung beat this
But samsung and apple have made 11 Phones (Not including different series from samsung)
Yeah but this could make us famous for a robot that is smarter than a phone
Let's ask it a question
Ok uh let's see................. I got it what is the brightest thing in the world
The answer to that is quasars
See told you it is the smartest thing in the world it can probably a human average IQ
So yeah it probably can do multiple things so let's go to bed

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