1 - lottery

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❝Oooh... this girl's really a good dancer. You've got competition...❞

I sigh at Jennie's comment, but my friend is right.

It's been now a month since Stray Kids, the group who won my heart, informed their fans on an official twitter post of a chance to spend a full month with the members. They're asking for stays to share their talents with them via a specific e-mail. The best ones, chosen by the members themselves, will participate in a tv show with them. Let's say stan twitter went wild when the news came out and everyone started working on either their singing, dancing or rapping skills... if not all of them! 

The hastag #StaysShowYourTalent has been trending and me and my best friend were now browsing it.

❝This girl is so cute! Man, I kinda wanna dm her.❞ Jennie pouts and looks at me, showing me her phone at the same time. A girl with long and dark curly hair is singing. Her cutesy style is totally my friend's taste.

❝What's stopping you from it?❞ I ask.

❝I already got one kpop stan in my life. Frequenting her might just be too much for me.❞ She laughs.

I laugh along and turn back to my computer. On the side I was also writting my e-mail to JYP entertainment. Today was the last day we could send our entries and I had taken all my time to practice... so much I hadn't even thought of filming myself to send it away. I did it last minute...

Everything was written down. All that was left was to send it.

I look at my screen and bite the inside of my mouth, anxiety building up in me. They would all see me dance, sing and rap, but I wasn't all that great. What if they just laughed at me? I have no chance of winning anyways...

❝What are you waiting for?❞ Jennie asks, glancing at my screen. ❝The worst that could happen is that you don't get choosen. Best, you get to meet the love of your life and compose a song with him.❞

I frown and laugh awkwardly ❝What do you mean ''the love of my life''? I don't know them personally.❞

Jennie raises an eyebrow and smiles at me.❝What was his name again? Chen? Bangchen?❞

I laugh and suddently get defenssive. ❝It's Bangchan-❞

❝Yeah the Bang guy! You literally have pictures of him everywhere. Don't tell me you don't love him.❞ She playfully pushes my shoulder, to which I just roll my eyes.

❝Yeah he's my bias and he's hot and funny and talented but I only admire him... Sure he's nice and super caring during his lives but he dosen't even know I exist.❞

❝That's what I mean. You get a chance of letting him know you do. You got nothing to lose by sending this e-mail. Plus he'll see how talented you are!❞

I sigh and look down. Some people say I'm just being humble but the lack of confidence  I have is a problem I gotta work on. ❝Listen, I'm not sure about this anymore...❞

Jennie glares at me, clearly not in the mood to deal with my shit. She tosses me to the side to access the mouse and before I have time to push her away or say anything, she sends the e-mail.


❝I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!❞ She then lowers her tone and sticks out her tongue. ❝Thank me later.❞

I sigh once again, closing my eyes wishing for the best. Like she says, I got nothing to lose from sending my entry. I'd only regret it later for not doing it anyways... 

I nod and bite my lips. ❝Yeah, thanks.❞

Jennie smiles at me genuinely, eyeing back her phone after.

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