Nice Meeting you

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One day in a far away land of Zambales, There was a girl who is very lonely and after a couple of minute the boy approach her and say "Hi!" the girl didn't reply and leave him, but he has a strong determination. that thing encourage him to know the name of the girl even though the girl is not in mood to meet new people but the boy didn't give up he made a sand castle in front of the girl, the boy said "Pls. Don't be sad, this is for you, do you like it!" The girl simply smiled for what had. and said "Thank you!" "oh! right" the boy replied... after that moment the boy and the girl became friends and talk, and talk, and talk.... while walking the girl stared at the boy

"Why?!" the boy asked,

"Nothing" the girl replied

"ok!" the boy replied

"Ah! wait do you know the different places here?" the girl asked 

"Why? do you want me to tour you around?"

"is it ok for you to tour me?"

"Yes! of course!"

"Yey! thanks (the girl smile)"

"Come I'll tour you!" 

the time flies too fast and they become very close friend and one day they went in to the forest and unfortunately they lost in the middle of dark and scary forest they don't know where to go, but they  have trust to each other...

"Promise me you won't leave me! i'm so scared"

The boy didn't reply...

 The entire places glow and the girl started to cry...

"why are you crying?" the boy asked

"this is the place where my boyfriend attacked by wild animal and died..."

"oh! I'm sorry!"

"no, don't feel sorry"

"Hey pls. stop crying i know it's hard to forget but pls atleast try to forget and move on life is short enjoy it... don't waste you're time ok"

"That's exactly what i'm doing"

"Great! we'll i guess i have to go!"

"Wait, what did you say?"

"I have to go my mission is done!"

"wait  i don't understand and one more thing until now i didn't know your name, What is your name?" (she ask with nervousness and confusion)

"I'm... I'm you..r"

"you're my what?"


Ruby was shocked on what she's found out and gave her boyfriend a back hug and said...

"Pls. don't leave me again stay on my side, i'll go with you.."

"babe no, you have to move on and continue your life anytime soon you'll meet someone better than me and you'll love him the way you loved me and he'll loved more than i can"

"no, no, no, pls don't said that"

The boy whispered " I Love you, Goodbye!" and the boy disappeared...

Ruby replied "Nice Meeting You!"

Nice Meeting you (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now