First off, I would like to make a statement. We all have a pp. This is because women are not real, they're objects. So, now we have that clear, let's get into the pp sucking theory.
Basically, we all suck a pp. There's no denying it. This can occur while in the womb, during life or in the after life. Sometimes even in other dimensions.
Here are some of the main ways to suck a pp:
♂Eat somebody out (we all have pp's).
♂If your birth-giver sucks a pp while you're in their womb, it counts.
♂If Y/N in a fan fiction sucks a pp, that counts.
♂Physically suck a pp.
♂Eat a long food front on (Bananas, etc).
♂Choke on some food or gag.
♂Suck a pp in a dream.
♂Satan makes you suck his pp (oh yeah, we all go to hell).
All in all, we all suck a pp. It's the way of life. Thank you Men and Dishwashers.