To think about thinking is probably the greatest puzzle that will never be solved by what our brains can offer; that is why capturing these thoughts and immortalizing them somehow is my purpose.
To start, I am no short of a overhyped writer. Some people say I am a wordsmith, but personally I think my armory in that area is very floppy and blunt. I never liked words and I never will. They limit the writer in a cage of libraries of dictionaries and thesauruses. I find music much more acceptible because after all it's just Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.
Even so, emotional restraints and frustrations, particularly in the form of doubt, concern, or just downright hilarity provoke my inner typer to type away at a keyboard every weekend. So that is why I am here today - to give a closure to my week as I experienced it. This is not a diary, nor a journal, but just final thoughts on a week's end - Weekly Epilogues of my thoughts, if you will.
As a closure on this first week of December, why not give this entry to the idea of thought and intelligence itself? Seems ample enough.
I'd like to get it out of my chest that my fascination with the philosophy behind thoguth has my soul flying rainbows on end with excitement. My own mind cannot fully grasp how a meat blob we call a brian can have a fully developed intellectual consiousness, let alone comprehend consiousness itself. It is this spiritual ouroboros, a self referential cycle I am addicted to. Though this circle may have no resolution, I am more than willing to grasp its awe in trade for my addiction.
It comes as no surprise to me to ponder this; having an IQ of reasonably high proportions, I always have humbly accepted my superiority in mental capabilities compared to my fellow teens. In fact, I have a developed a certain speed in logical process coupled with a natural understanding with grammar and music. And also a database of everything I ever read. But I digress.
That said, it is often an annoyance if people see me as a computer rather than a friend. I have only noticed that my popularity increases directly with the tension there is in the school in academic terms. Classmates rush to me often for help or lack of understanding.
If there is one thing I hate most, it's being objectified. And if I am being objectified by the skills that I have? Well it just sets up a personally branded stereotype that the world calls Zchelmer Joash Gamboa.
The nerd stereotype is most often applied when I indulge within my fandoms. Star wars is a stereotype I avoid myslef even though I am a wookie, but given my Whovian Trekker Sherlockian and 100 + others side, I do not think it is helping me.
In the end, my intelligence has its perks, such as playing in cool in classroom situations (not to brag) but sometimes I get bored of and offended by people clinging on to me just for that.