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"do you even like me"


Y/n🙈: Hey Kai 

⛄Kai💞: Hey y/n what's up

Y/n🙈: Nothing much I just umm wanted to see if you would go to the new ice cream place

⛄Kai💞: I would love to you with you

⛄Kai💞: how bout we meet there in 5

Y/n🙈: Cool with me

⛄Kai💞: Cool see you there😊


y/n🐣: I umm asked him 

Tia🐢: ok so are you going to tell him tho

y/n🐣: Yes but are you sure he likes me

Tia🐢: Everyone in the group thinks so

Tia🐢: Shoot your shot

y/n🐣: What if he doesn't like me tho😔

Tia🐢: Then that's his loss

y/n🐣: You're the best Tia💕

Tia🐢: I already know😊

y/n🐣: Umm I better go 

Tia🐢: tell me everything afterwards

y/n🐣: For sure👉👈

You quickly rush down to your car and drive there. When you get there you didn't see him so you just sat in a booth fiddling with your fingers. after a few minutes, you see Kai walk through the doors and sit on the opposite side of you

"Umm hey Kai" you smile

"Hey y/n how are you feeling today" you look up from your fingers

"I umm wanted to ask you something... Is that ok"

"umm sure you can ask me anything"

"I- I umm kinda l-like y-you" You stuttered over your words as you look at his expression go from happy to sad

"umm y/n w-we won't work" you feel your eyes water

"can I ask why" 

"Well I want to stay friends and since we're in the same friend group I-"

"We could try if it doesn't work we could just stay friends"


"Is this why you have been avoiding me this whole week because you knew I liked you"

"N-no I umm, y/n listen even if we could've tried I'm kinda already talking to someone"

"o-oh" You feel tears run down your face as you put your head down onto the table in your arms

"y/n I'm sorry I truly am It's just I think we would work and if we don't we don't but if you and I don't that's our whole friendship ruined"

"y-yeah I get it umm I'll see you around" You run out of the ice cream place and sit in your car and cry 

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