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In the mix of words that describe who I am—dreamy, realistic, kind, adventurous, zealous, casual, joyful—there's one label missing: annoying or demanding. A burden. Ironically, that's how my father seems to see me, and it's a bitter truth that stings more every day.

Since he came back from his trip a few weeks ago, our relationship has started to fall apart. The distance he's created feels like a deep gap between us. Each day, it seems like another piece of our connection breaks away, leaving me feeling as if I'm unwanted.

Our bond, built on the complicated relationship of a stepfather and stepdaughter, was supposed to be strong. I never thought I would feel so alone, a feeling that eats away at me.

I glance at him, my heart heavy with things I wish I could say, but he's focused on the road. He only mentioned that we were headed somewhere important, but he hasn't shared any details.

As I look out the window, the world unfolds like a beautiful painting—trees, fields, and rolling hills surround us. The untouched beauty of nature makes me smile as I take in the sights. A distant lake catches my eye, and for a moment, I feel at peace.

But that calm is suddenly shattered by the screech of tires and a loud thud, jolting me back to reality.


I turn my gaze to my dad, my chest rising and falling quickly as I try to steady myself. His expression matches my own surprise, and I find myself seeking comfort in the tremor of my hands and the tears welling in my eyes.

With shaking hands, I glance at the rearview mirror, hoping to make sense of the unsettling scene behind us. My vision blurs, and I swallow hard, catching a glimpse of a lifeless form sprawled on the road.

"You... you hit it. You hit a deer!" The words spill out in disbelief as I look at my father, searching for confirmation. He takes a deep breath and shifts his focus back to the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly, as if his life depends on it.

Why would he do that?

Dad had always been careful, especially when it came to avoiding animals on the road. He had a knack for stopping just in time. So why did he hit that deer? Was he distracted? But no, he seemed focused the whole drive; his eyes never left the road.

Frustration bubbles up inside me. I want to ask why he wasn't more attentive, but the stern look he gives me warns me to tread carefully. Discouraged, I look away, turning my attention to the landscape as we approach our mysterious destination.

An hour later, we finally arrive. Stepping out of the car, Dad instructs me to follow him. I hesitate, taking in the vast stretch of trees and fields around us. Despite my uncertainty, I get out and approach him. He stands in front of a towering gate, gripping his jacket tightly.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, locking eyes with him. The tension thickens as he steps closer, taking a deep breath without meeting my gaze. An uneasy silence hangs between us for a moment before he finally speaks.

"Sky, you'll be staying here for a while."

"What do you mean?"

"I've got some things to take care of, Sky. You'll be staying here with this family." His words hang in the air, and disbelief washes over me. Is my own father really leaving me with strangers?

"Wha- But... I don't even know these people! I don't even know where we are!"

"Please, Sky. Don't make things complicated—"

"Don't make things complicated?" I struggle to stay calm, wanting to hear him out, but I can't. Something isn't right, and I won't let him treat me like a pawn. I refuse to be sent away without a real explanation. He lied about this trip, and now I demand answers.

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