In the morning .

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Bella wake up it's time to go to school ! As mom says while she is downstairs cooking breakfast. Get up your gonna be late. Mom says . Okay mom I'm up as I yawn. I'll be downstairs in a minute. Bella hits the shower gets dressed does her hair and heads down stairs. Morning mom how you sleep ? Fine honey hurry up and eat your breakfast your going to be late to school and I don't want to hear you teacher mouth again about you being late. I won't be late mom I'll make it on time this time, oh by the way I'll be home late going to the mall with Vanessa , Jake, and Crissy. With who permission ? You not going no where. Mom come on plans are already made I can't just drop it. Fine Bella don't be home late you know how your dad gets. Okay mom I won't, gotta go bye mom love you. Love you to honey. Bella grabs her keys and drives off to school.

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