chapter 1

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"even though I'm on my own

i know I'm not alone

because i know there's someone somewhere

praying that i make it home

so here's one from the heart

my life right from the start

i need a home sweet home

to call my own"

the sound of my brother's band blasting from my phone woke me up, who ever was calling me better have a good reason for it. everyone knew not to come between me and my sleep.

as my phone began to ring again i pulled myself out of bed and groaned at the time


i read

"im going to fucking kill whoever has woken me up!"

i yelled out into my empty house. i picked up my phone from beside my bed whiolst scraping my terrible bed head into a messy bun and looked at who had so rudely woken me up

6 missed calls - BennyBear


if you haven't figured already, I'm arabella Bruce, sister of Ben Bruce - guitarist and occasional vocalist of Asking Alexandria.

Ben has always been the musically talented one, i cant even whistle let alone be able to be in a band as big as asking Alexandria. i as jealous of him for that, but i am also a really proud sister.

i am a photographer/tattooist. i work part time at a tattoo shop in LA, called high voltage tattoo! and i recently got promoted to one of the best tattooists there. i work alongside the one and only Kat Von D and i have tattooed her too! im also i photographer for the music industry, i just love the emotion of bands when they play to their fans who wait their whole lifetime just to see their favorite band for one night. its very inspirational and it makes me very happy seeing the fans happy.

i picked up my phone and dialed my brothers number

B- hello?

A- hey what did you ring me for bro?

B- i have something to ask you, our photographer quit on us and we need to get a new one for a tour that starts tomorrow, please please please will you fill in for us. me and the guys miss you so much anyway

A- fine, when are you getting here?

B- we are in your living room, e wasn't going to take no as an answer

Ben Hung up and i ran out of my room. i was greeted by all five members of asking Alexandria in my living room.

"hey there sexy" a very creepy Danny said, looking me yup and down. i only then realized that i was wearing nothing but an asking Alexandria shirt that only just covers my butt. i blushed hard and flipped him off./

"someone come help me pack?" i said in a sweet voice

"i will" james replied as he followed me into my room

i have to admit he looked good, his ripped skinny black jeans made his bum stand out and his misfits shirt did his muscles justice. i couldn't stop myself from staring.

"like what you see?" james said with a cheeky grin

"oh fuck off james" i said back with a giggle.

we packed my stuff and james and sam helped me pile all four of my big ass suitcases onto the tour bus. i was shown to my bunk which was above bens and across from james'

"its nice...but it needs something.." i ran back into my house and grabbed some fairy lights and a stapler and skipped back to the bus heading straight for my bunk. i stapled the fairy lights to my bunk and turned them on

"woah" i heared all the guys say behind me

"well i know whos bunk im going to invade" i heared cameron say.

"no back off guys its mine" i replied while i was setting my cute zebra print blanket out on my bunk as well as my nightmare before Christmas pillow.

i hopped into my punk and put in my earphones. i put on hen you cant sleep at night by of mice and men and lay down trying to get as much sleep as possible in this crowded tour bus before i would be awojken by the boys.

i shut my eyes and let the music drift me off into sleep.

just a start, tell me what should happen next - i ill update every day

please leave feedback

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