Chapter 1

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"So what do you think your going to change to when we get to that new school?" Blake asked

"I am going to tell you the same thing I tell you everytime you ask. I have no clue. Besides I only have two more weeks to worry about it." Said Alex as she continued packing like crazy. She stopped suddenly and asked him " how come you arn't packing?"

At this Blake lay down oh Alex's bed and said "Cause after three years of middle school and about, what, a year of high school you learn to be a pretty amazing procrastonater." He sat up on his elbows and looked at Alex and questioned "How come your packing when we don't leave for another week?"

As Alex finished packing the last few pares of jeans that she was bringing she said "Because if I pack everything now I won't feel like I'll forget something," she walked over to her dresser and pulled out a few tee shirts and walked back to the trunk at the foot of her bed, but stopped and looked at Blake and questioned "Wait, did you just say procrastonator?"

"I did" replied Blake

"As in did things last minute" continued Alex

Blake sighed but answered "Yeah Alex, that's what that word means is it not?"

Alex sighed at him and continued "So your telling me that everytime you complaimed to me that you always got a C in every class the answer was right infront of you the whole time?"

Blake could already tell this was going to turn into a lecture so he quickly changed the sudject he sat up and started questioned Alex "Now wait just a minute did you just say that you are worried about going to ___ ?what's there to worry about?"

Alex looked at him with her look that just seemed to say "really" before saying "There's tons of things to worry about! Like let's see here there are four different creatures I could possably end up turning into."

At this Blake took the opertunity to prove he wasn't just a lazy bum so he cut her off saying " mermaid, werewolf, fairy or elf."

Alex didn't even pause "its merefolk, and what if I become one of those and I can't even breath under water! Or I become a werewolf but can't change back into human form!" Alex had started paceing infront of her bed amd threw her arms up in the air and exclaimed " What if I become a fairy and can't even figure out how fly!" Alex looked at Blake and he could see she was trying to keep back tears. Not only was Blake Alex's best friend but she was aslo like his little sister even though she was only a year younger than him. He got up and went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders and said " You are one of the smartest people I know and there's no way in hell you won't be able to figure out a way to figure everything ok? Hell if you somehow turned into a troll you'd find a way to make everything seem cool." Alex smiled at him and hugged him, as he hugged her back her mind began to think about how in secomd grade their parrents had to leave untill they were older and knew what they were and how ever scense that day they had been together, and how in seventh grade both her friends as well as his said they'd make a cute couple but they refused to date because Blake was like a brother Alex wished she had, and even now they both got a mysterious call from a professor Victor William about two moths back saying that the reason that their parrents left was because they had a power in their blood that allow them magic in different ways depending on various reasons and that they had to come to a school that tought and trained them on how to use them.

Alex looked up at Blake who was almost a half a foot taller than her and said " Ok as long as I'm the same thing as you I don't care what I am."

Blake smiled and gently put his chin on her head and said where you go I go" he stepped back and looked at Alex and continued, "cause who eles is going to make sure them guys keep their hands off of you?

Alex shot him a look and he put his hands up in mock surender and asked " What? You know you aren't that adorable little sixth grader I use to know. You have turned into that kinda hot, makes other guys drool a little, sophmore Alex now, you know." Alex smiled and headed down stairs and replied " ok fine. You know I heard some other girls saying that they love it when you run in gym with out a shirt."

Blake stood alittle taller and asked "really?"

Alex smiled and changingthe subject asked "Are you going to stay for dinner Aunt Jess is making tacos?" Blake smiled as he followed Alex down stairs to the living room and said "you know I do love your Aunt Jess' tacos!"

At that moment Jess, who was actully Alex's mom's best friend but was taking care of Alex till she was older, walked in with geroceries, she laughed and said happily " Oh good! I hopped you would be staying I bought exrta everything for the tacos tonigh, I had a feeling you were going to stick aroud for dinner."

Blake jumped up and took one of the bags Jess was carring and said " you know how I love taco night! Oh I better call Beth and make sure she knows I'll be eating here then."

" ok you do that I think I can handle the rest." Said Jess as she started prepairing the tacos.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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