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~ Otis~

I walked into Molly's bar it wasn't that crowded today I only see couple of people, I sat down at the bar as the bartender walked up as I ask "may I just get a beer please?" The bartender nods, he then got my beer and sets it down in front of me, I took a quick sip as someone sat  next to me she was beautiful a beautiful girl I ever seen. I looked away as she asked the bartender if she could only have a water the bartender then got her water and sets it down in front of her, I looked at the girl again and grinned to myself "Take a picture it will last longer" The girl said jokingly then looked at me "Oh, just you're beautiful.." I say smiling a bit.

"Thank you." The girl said and smiled "What's your name?" She asked then took a sip of her water "Brian Zvonecek, but most people call me Otis I work at the Chicago Fire Department as a firefighter" I nod once "Oh, thats nice, it must be  a really difficult job to be a firefighter." I shook my head "No, not really. It isn't that bad." I see a  smile across the girls lips "I am Amanda by the way."

"Maybe I can get your number and we could.. Maybe grab a coffee sometime and get to know each other a little?" "Sure, I would like that." She smiled as she grabbed my phone and put her number in, "See you another time" She smiled and got up from her seat and walked out of Molly's bar. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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