I Dare You

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Grabbing your purse off of the console, you delicately balanced a large pizza box and six-pack of PBRs before shutting the door of your white corvette with your foot. You had managed to escape the hectic environment of the restaurant for the first time in weeks, and you had thought of no better way to spend your night off than with your close friend, Hopper. Luckily, the chief was able to head home early today as all of his cases were pretty much one-and-done. Eleven was sleeping over at Max's house this weekend, so you knew that Hopper would appreciate any company he could get, especially when that company was his best friend.

Balancing the arrangement in your right hand, you knocked very carefully on the door to the cabin. Within seconds, Hopper appeared with a giddy smile and excitement rolling off of him in waves. He took the six-pack off your hands, giving your arms a little bit of slack.

"You are an absolute goddess," he beamed, ushering you into his cabin before heading to the kitchen to put the beers in the freezer for a quick cool-down.

Following him after shutting the door, you set the obnoxiously-sized pizza box on the coffee table. Standing up, you shivered lightly from the chilly air of the wooden home, instantly regretting your decision to wear shorts and a tank top for tonight.

"Well, I hope you like extra cheese, because that pie is loaded," you said, walking up to the bar separating the kitchen and make-shift dining room and straddling one of the bar stools.

He looked up at you with dopey eyes, "You are literally the perfect woman. How has no man snatched you up yet?"

You rolled your eyes at him, ignoring the intense swarm of butterflies that were being unleashed into your stomach, "Just because you butter me, it doesn't mean you're stealing any of my pizza slices."

He chuckled lowly before bending over to grab some parmesan cheese from the refrigerator, giving you a nice look at his round and plump ass hiding behind dark-wash denim jeans. Biting your lip, you couldn't manage to tear your eyes away from the sight.

Ever since you and Hopper starting your friendship a little under a year ago, your tiny crush on the man only grew. You tried everything that you could think of to forget about him, but your options were limited when it came to dating. Each time that the two of you hung out, you only became closer as friends; you desire, however, grew more and more. At this point, you had just about given up hope on ever getting with the older man. At twenty-five years old, you had now started to truly believe that your virgin-status was going to become permanent.

Hearing a gruff clearing of a throat, you shook your head out of your thoughts, realizing that you had just been caught staring at your friend's ass for god-knows-how-long.

Cheeks blushing red, you tried to avert your eyes as he said smugly, "You know-I usually don't mind pretty little things checking out my ass, but they usually act coy when I catch them in the act."

You chucked nervously, walking back to the couch, "You wish, chief. I just couldn't help but get distracted by your open fly."

His eyes set in a panic as he looked down quickly, causing you to let out an embarrassing laugh, "Relax, asshole, I'm just fucking with you."

"Wow," he said sarcastically, dragging out the word. He joined you on the couch before opening up the pizza box, immediately claiming his side with a sprinkle of cheese. "So, what is the plan for the evening?"

You clapped excitedly before going for your purse and pulling out a VHS copy of Alien, "I present to you the Ridley Scott classic sci-fi thriller. You game?"

He chuckled as he started to eat the first slice of pizza, "Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice, darling, with you all excited like that."

"Smart man," you said, nodding your head before turning around, bending to set up the movie, unintentionally giving Hopper the best view of your ass. After hitting the play button, you turned around and caught Hopper's eyes trained on your short-clad ass. Your heats turned a shade of rosy pink before he coughed, pretending to be letting his eyes roam all over the cabin. Biting your lip, you plopped down next to him, grabbing your own slice before allowing yourself to get closer to the warmth of his body.

I Dare You - Jim Hopper x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now