Chapter one

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Fallenfeather sat patiently on the roof with her daughter, Fluttershy. The quiet Pegasus pony was far behind the other Pegasi, most had already gone to Flight School. One other odd thing was that she was one of the oldest fillies in the area in which they lived. Fallenfeather’s friend, Colorstrike, had a daughter who was almost a year younger, yet that ambitious filly was long gone at Flight Camp.

                “Come on, dear. You can do it.” She coaxed. Fluttershy’s wide, blue-green eyes looked up at her anxiously. She took a deep breath and stepped off the roof, immediately she plummeted. Fallenfeather leapt to her hooves. “Fluttershy!” she yelled. She took a step back and whimpered. Had she sent her daughter to her death? She was about to fly down when she saw her. She was struggling, but Fluttershy was had done it. She was flying. Fallenfeather laughed, whether in hysterical relief or joy she wasn’t sure. Her daughter was finally flying, and that’s all that counted.

                As she stepped out and hovered next to her daughter, she realized how fast she was growing up. Soon enough, she’d be interested in stallions; although Fluttershy, as modest as she was, probably wouldn’t be going that way. It was the stallions who would be interested in her. She was beautiful. Her pale yellow coat, her very long pastel colored mane and tail, and her eyes. Her eyes twinkled continuously. She was never loud, her voice was always soft, as so you’d have to be completely focused to hear her. Colorstrike’s daughter, Rainbow Dash, was the total opposite; yet the two became the best of friends.

                Fallenfeather sometimes envied Colorstrike’s headstrong daughter. The filly had a very squeaky voice, yet it shook with authority. The blue Pegasus pony’s brightly-colored mane was always rough looking, as though it hadn’t be combed in days, her tail looking no better. She was incredibly fast for such a young age and wherever she flew, a rainbow-colored streak followed.

                “In a couple of weeks, you should be ready Flight Camp!” she told her daughter.

Fluttershy smiled nervously. “W-what if nopony there liked me? What if they all laugh at my sad, pitiful wings?” she worried. Fallenfeather butted her shoulder, pushing back onto the roof. When her daughter's hooves were firmly planted on the solid material of the house, she landed beside her.

“Sweetie, you’re an excellent flier. So what if you’re a bit late,” She nuzzled the filly. “It just means you’ve had more time to practice!” she encouraged her. Fluttershy perked up then and smiled up Fallenfeather, who smiled. “Come, dear. It’s time for lunch.” She knelt down for Fluttershy to climb on, but she didn’t. The filly giggled.

“I think I’ll fly down this time.” Fallenfeather felt her green eyes water up, and she blinked it away.

“If you wish.” She said. Together, they flew down to the yard below, with Fluttershy giggling the entire time.

                Fallenfeather opened the door using a hoof and held it open as her daughter walked through. She opened her mouth to say something when she saw the clock above her kitchen doorway. “Oh no…” she muttered. “Uh, ‘Shy, why don’t you go upstairs and play. I’ll call you down when lunch is ready!” Fluttershy nodded and ran upstairs to her room, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door clicked shut, Fallenfeather raced to the kitchen and threw the ingredients for lunch on the counter and began hyperventilating, Smack Down would be home from Wrestling Practice soon, and lunch wasn’t made! She’d gotten so caught up in training Fluttershy, she’d completely forgotten. She pulled a piece of bread from the loaf and began to spread on her husband’s favorite condiment when she heard the door slam. She dropped the spoon with a gasp and it clanged as it hit the tile floor of the kitchen.

“Fallenfeather, is my lunch ready?” Fallenfeather didn’t turn as her husband stepped in, as intimidating as ever. His stocky red coat and yellow mane were spiky and his forehead glistened with sweat. She could feel his cold, blue gaze on her. “WELL?” he pushed. Fallenfeather reached down and picked up the spoon in her chattering teeth and laid it back on the counter.

“Uh, not yet dear.” she said quietly.

                Although she was prepared for the blow, it still hurt like no other pain she’d ever felt. She felt herself airborne, and then an agonizing pain hit the back of her head as it hit the fridge and she fell to the floor. On shaking legs, she pushed herself up and looked at the floor as scarlet drops dripped from her pink mane and splattered onto the tile. Smack Down huffed and walked out. “Get my lunch done, you worthless bitch.” He threw the words over his shoulder and the front door slammed shut.

                Fallenfeather kept her gaze fixed on the floor as she heard soft hoof-steps enter the kitchen. “He hit you again, didn’t he Mommy?” Fallenfeather looked up when she heard her daughter’s soft voice. The little filly’s eyes were wide as she surveyed the destroyed kitchen and the broken mare in it.

“G-go back upstairs, sweetie. Lunch is almost ready.” She slowly walked back to the counter, ignoring the throbbing in her head, and continued making the watercress sandwiches. When she turned around with both plates in her mouth, she saw that Fluttershy hadn’t left, but she was standing in the doorway, a concerned look on her face.

“It’th okay, ‘Thy, I’m fine.” She mumbled the best she could. The door flew open and Smack Down swaggered in. Fluttershy ducked and backed away as he passed her. “Finally.” He commented. He snatched one of the plates from his wife and took it into the living room, where he sat down on the couch and began scarfing down the food. Fallenfeather set the other plate down on the dining table and walked over to one of the upturned chairs, setting it upright.

“Fluttershy, sweetie. Come eat.” Fluttershy shuffled back into sight and walked into the kitchen. She got into the chair and began eating slowly. Fallenfeather made one for herself, too. The mother and daughter finished their meal in silence, and then just stared at each-other, their thoughts reflected in the other’s eyes.

                Fluttershy lay in bed, enjoying her mother’s bedtime story as always. “And then, the happy Pegasus flew back home, into the happy beautiful land where her family lived.” She finished. Fallenfeather had a large bandage over her forehead to cover the newly formed gash from today’s blow. “Mommy, why does Daddy hit you?” she asked.

Fallenfeather bit her lip. “I… I don’t know.” She replied. It was true. When Fallenfeather had met Smack Down, he’d been so charming, so nice. He treated her like royalty, taking her to romantic candlelit dinners, lovely walks in the park. They’d made so much passionate love on their honeymoon, and afterward she’d fall asleep in his hooves while he softly stroked her mane. All of that was gone now; a month after the honeymoon, he’d become aggravated and cruel, and it was just a year ago that the beating started, while Fluttershy was just a baby.

                Fluttershy looked down, her eyes half closed. “Get some rest, honey. I’ll see you in the morning.” She kissed her forehead and walked out of the room, clicked on the bright nightlight, and softly closed the door. She stood there for a while, her head up against her daughter’s pretty pink door, her name written in beautiful handwriting she’d done herself a week before the filly had been born. Taking a deep breath, she walked down the long hallway, looking longingly at the pictures that hung there. Wedding photos, honeymoon pictures, Fluttershy’s nursery, so many lovely memories. She took a right and walked into the bedroom she and Smack Down shared. It was large and spacey, a small bathroom attached to the left wall. Fallenfeather’s nightstand held pictures, while Smack Down’s held an alarm clock. As she changed into her nightgown, she heard Smack Down come from the bathroom.

“Your daughter flew today.” She said.

“What?” Fallenfeather didn’t look at him.

“Fluttershy flew today.” She repeated.

“Humph.” He replied. Fallenfeather turned and looked at him, he was already in bed. Fallenfeather sighed inwardly and climbed in beside him, feeling utterly alone, as she turned off the lamp on her table.


What do you think? I've never tried my hand at MLP fanfics, but here we go! :D

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