The Forest

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       You run through the city just wanting to escape from it all. You don't look back as you continue to run, your shoes getting wet as you run through puddles the current thunderstorm were creating. The tall skyscrapers towered over you giving you slight anxiety. You suddenly stop as you reach the end of the city and stare into the secretive forest ahead of you. "No turning back now." You mumbled taking a deep breath before you head into the mysterious area. You had been warned as a little kid not to enter the forest. Everyone you knew said that it was a bad place, haunted or whatever and you remembered how people quickly diverted the conversation whenever you asked about it. For some reason despite the warning and stories that were mentioning to terrify you, you couldn't care less about it. If anything you wanted to go into the forest. The large green trees made you feel safe as they towered over you. Sure, the skyscrapers also towered over you, but in that case they just made you want to hide. 

      Finally, you stopped to catch your breath. The rain continued to pour around you, but not as much do to the leafy canopy above you. Lightning flashed lighting up the area giving you a split second of vision. During this time you saw figures on four legs surrounding you, all different shapes and sizes. Lightning flashed again and now they were closer. They appeared to be deer? You still couldn't tell. Another flashed and this time you could see everything. They looked like wildlife, but more magical. You tried to make yourself seem as non-threatening as possible. You still could hardly see anything, but you felt something brush against your leg. A pale glowing pastel blue illuminated from a creature you realized was a fawn. "Whoa..." You breathed as other animals, mainly deer started glowing. You could see chipmunks, squirrels, bugs, birds, foxes even a wolf. They circled and ran around you some even came up and nuzzled you. You were stunned. 

       "Have you been here the entire time?" You asked. The animals made soft noises as if to say 'yes'. You dropped to your knees and petted some of the animals. All of them were now comfortable with your presences. "They lied about everything..." You mumbled. The glowing of the animals now revealed a world of pure wonder. The plants were almost reflect the light which continued the wonder. The animals led you through the woods to a small cottage. On the door was a note. "For the next Forest Keeper, this was my cabin, I've clearly passed on and now it will be yours. Don't mind the animals, there sweet. Even though some might not seem that way. Don't worry if your confused. It will all make sense soon. Be safe." You read the note aloud and when you finished your could see all the animals were radiating a blue and were looking down or laying near a large stone. "Guess I'm staying." You opened the door beginning your new life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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