Smoke Signals

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Summary: Based on 2x1 'Unquiet Mind', title is the song 'Smoke Signals' by Phoebe Bridges. When Henry finds Walt on the mountain. HenryxWalt but could be read as platonic.

Henry watched the sun rise over the snowy peaks, shedding golden rays onto the white hilltops but doing nothing to improve the bitter temperatures. He and Branch had been out in the mountains for nearly eight hours, trying to decipher a trail in the blinding snow. The most they'd managed to find was an unsteady trail of footprints, a trail that was quickly disappearing under the fresh snow. Henry tried to stamp down the endless scenarios that might be Walt's fate, he was thankful that at the very least Branch was quiet enough to leave Henry to his work.

Another hour, the snow had stopped but the tracks had disappeared. Henry's nerves felt sharp, like spikes of electricity buzzing through his veins. He was beginning to think that turning back and letting the FBI scan the scene from the air before both he and Branch lost the rest of their consciousness to the cold was looking to be the best option. But as they cleared another snow drift he heard the deputy call out, "Henry! There he is."

Henry's head whipped to look where Branch was pointing and sure enough, at the bottom of a steep slope lay a prisoner in orange and the Sheriff. Neither figures were moving, the air deathly silent aside from the crunch of the snow beneath the horses' hooves. Branch was already rushing towards the convict just as Henry began to dismount his horse, unable to take his eyes off of Walt's lifeless body. His heart dropped almost as quickly as he dropped from his horse. For a hazy moment Henry feared that his legs were giving out completely, but they steadied as he hit the soft snow. He nearly tripped over himself in his rush to get to Walt's side, disregarding his jeans as he fell to his knees beside him. "Is he dead?" Branch called from behind him.

Henry ignored him, watching silently as Walt raised his head, leveling his cloudy blue eyes with Henry's own. Ice clung to his face and Henry suddenly became aware of how wet Walt's clothes were. His lips parted, words struggling to surface, "The agent...the girl...she's in a mine."

"Okay Walt, we will get her." He reassured, turning to the deputy urgently, "Branch, help me!"

Branch rushed to his side, looping one of his arms under Walt's while Henry led his horse closer. Henry mounted his horse, helping to hoist Walt so he sat securely behind him."Can you hold onto me?" He asked, already adjusting Walt's arms to wrap around his waist.

A soft hum and the sharp angle of Walt's chin settling on his shoulder was the response he received, easing and heightening his anxiety all at once. "I need you to stay awake Walt." He pressed, hoping that Walt wasn't quite conscious enough to register the panic in his voice.

He quickly turned his attention to Branch, who was waiting for orders, "Branch, there's still an agent up here, in a mine. I know of an abandoned shaft about a half mile from here, I need you to find her."

Branch nodded, mounting his horse before turning back once, "Is he going to be alright?" He asked cautiously.

"He is always alright." Henry's voice was harder than he intended but Branch only grimaced in agreement before setting off in the opposite direction. Henry squeezed the horse's flanks, setting down the mountain.

The ride down the mountain was substantially shorter than the ride up, but nevertheless every moment that passed was another moment with Walt out in the cold. The subtle warmth of Walt's breath on his neck was the only thing keeping the panic from clutching his chest. Every so often he would pose Walt's name as a gentle question, and Walt would faithfully respond with a mumbled reassurance.

As the mountains finally gave way to the snow-covered roads, he squeezed Walt's hand once, "We are almost there." He murmured, moving his hand from Walt's to search for his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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