A new friend!

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Quick note!
When the text is bold that means it's their thoughts .

The school bell chirped through the halls notifying students and teachers that it was time for lunch. (y/n) stretched her limbs whilst letting out a long sigh Finally I get to relax, she smiled contently. (y/n) packed up her supplies and headed to her usual lunch spot. Getting closer to the destination she realized how the population of people began to decrease, I guess that makes sense. After the incident a lot of them must feel unsafe.

**(y/n)'s pov**

"Hey Tem!" I dropped my bag and myself on the floor, beginning to sit comfortably, "Sorry I'm late class really drained me so I procrastinated on getting up, but I did bring you..." I pulled out my lunch and a reusable pale green container with a white lid labeled 'Tem'. "Chicken Katsu!" I took a bite of my lunch, "I accidentally made too much again. I'm so used to making you try my new creations." I looked down at my lunch, " it's been really hard trying new recipes since I don't have you as a test rabbit anymore", I set aside my lunch and began to rant about my day.

**Legoshi's perspective/Third pov**

With his offering in hand Legoshi began walking towards Tem's memorial, before he turned the corner he heard an unfamiliar voice. He pushed himself against the wall and began to listen "...so used to you trying every meal" Is that (y/n)? I didn't know she was close to Tem. He peeked his head around the corner seeing if you were wrapping up. Seems like she's planning on staying her for her entire lunch. Should I just leave and wait for some other time? Or maybe I should respectfully ask if I could join... no then I'd have to make conversation and I'd probably make it awkward. Whilst Legoshi pondered about every scenario that could happen, (y/n) sensed a presence behind her and stopped talking. She grabbed the scissors that she had tucked in her bag and cautiously walked towards the corner. (y/n) jumped from where she stopped, not expecting a towering wolf to be behind the corner. With no reaction from the wolf, (y/n) waved her hand in front of him, "uh excuse me, do you need help?", Legoshi finally realizing that (y/n) was right in front of him he immediately blushed and scooted away, his eyes diverting to the floor "s-sorry I was just waiting for you to be done. I just came to drop off an offering." He caught a glimpse at the scissors and then back to (y/n). (y/n) notices, "Ah sorry i wasn't actually going to use them, it was more for scaring ya know? Not many people around here really look at me as threat." She gave a quick smile,    "I usually eat lunch here with him, but I can leave right now if you'd like", Legoshi rubbed the back of his neck trying to seem more relaxed, "No no it's fine I can just leave" He began to face the other way when (y/n) lightly grasped his tail "wait don't leave! I'd feel bad if I scared away one of Tem's friends. If you were friends with him then you're definitely friends with me!" She gave a slight smile, releasing his tail and reaching out her hand, "I'm (y/n), it's really nice to meet you..." she trailed off waiting for the wolf to give her his name. He hesitantly shook her hand, worried about harming the small girl "I'm Legoshi" she released his hand and gave him a brighter smile "Well Legoshi, let's head over to Tem". Legoshi put down the flowers and began to pray while (y/n) day next to him quietly waiting. Once he was done he began to sniff the air realizing there was something that was making him salivate. "Oh are you hungry? I think you're smelling my lunch that I made. Do you want it? I sort of made myself a huge breakfast so I'd hate see this food go to waste" She slid the bowl to Legoshi, "Wait...is this?" His eyes widened seeing what was in the lunch box, (Y/N) chuckled," don't worry it's not actual meat, it's just tofu and vegetables. Trust me I'm not an idiot" with a sigh of relief Legoshi nodded his head "You sure you don't want it!" (Y/n) shook her head no,"positive" she said. Legoshi took a bite and his tail immediately began to sway. "Where did you get this?" With a content smile plastered on (y/n),"I made it with some of the vegetables that were grown here at the school. I'm really glad you like it, I usually made Tem try my recipes, but now that he's gone it's been really hard determining which ones are actually tasty." (Y/n) gazed at the wolf with a look of nostalgia, Legoshi now looking down at the bowl said," I didn't know you and Tem were so close, he must've been really lucky being the taste tester of your food" (y/n) laughed." Well he usually was lucky, but trust me there were major failed dishes that makes him regret agreeing to test my food." Once Legoshi was done eating he gave back your lunch box and thanked you again. "Um Legoshi I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and you definitely don't have to agree if you don't want to but, would you be okay if I tried out some recipes on you? My other friend is super picky and well you're one of the few people who are willing to talk to me." She looked at Legoshi with hopefully eyes. I never thought (y/n) would have difficulty in making friends. I mean she is the only human here, but she always scores top five on tests and I've never heard of any rumors about her. "Yeah I'd love to try them out". The bell chimed announcing that it was time for class, (y/n) jumped up, grabbed her things and clapped in glee, "Thank you so much,Legoshi! I promise you won't regret this. I'll see you around!" Before she turned the corner she quickly looked back," oops almost forgot..bye Tem!" She turned on her heels and began to head to class. (Y/n) is a lot more eccentric than I thought, and if she uses the vegetables from the garden club then she must know Haru!

*3rd pov*
(Y/N) walked back to class with a smile on her face thinking about the events that occurred a few minutes ago. While walking the five minute bell rang which brought (y/n) back to earth. Ugh I can't be late she promptly began to jog to class. Looking down at her wrist watch she accidentally bumped into a hard object. "Are you alright? You should really watch where you're going." A soft yet poised voice came from the object that (y/n) bumped into. She looked up and the school's star student Louis."I'm alright! Sorry about that!" (Y/n) said while heading towards to class. She didn't even look at me while apologizing. How rude. The Adler watched (y/n) disappear in the crowd of people.

Authors note:
Ahhh very rough ending but like I hate endings. Also I know the grammar is pretty sucky, it kills me. Anyways this is my first fanfic, so give me opinions about it and tell me what y'all want to read. Should Louis be a possible partner? I'm down to write whatever.

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