Untitled Part 1

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You ran as fast as you could praying to whatever being could hear you not to be to late. The halls were silent your footsteps sounded like gunshots in your ears. You ran to the large door at the end of the hall. You pushed it open and froze at what you saw. Your (ec) orbs widened filling with tears as you saw ganon standing over the one you came to love. You didn't registerwhat you were doing uuntil you had jumped onto ganons back and stabbed his shoulder. He yelled and launched you across the room

. "(Y/n) d-dammit" you heard dark grunt standing. "What you're still alive, you should be fucking dead" you looked up just in time to see ganon stab dark in the chest. You froze, time seemed to slow down as dark fell to his knees clutching the blade. He coughed blood pouring out of his mouth. Ganon laughed and leftthe room. You got up struggling to stay standing and walked over to the falled shadow

"D-dark, n-no " you lifted his head to your chest and silently cried. You ignored the blood now soaking your (fc) shirt. You couldn't understand why this was happening. you sobbed clutching his corpse. You had just lost the love of your life. He had been the only one not to judge you for your powers. He had been the only one to show you kindness. He had been your life.

"Oh god, (y-y/n) what happened " you didnt respond to link. You couldn't speak now. You would break if you did. You were already so fragile. Link kneeled next to you placing a hand on your shoulder his face showing pity. You stood up and ran out of the room. You didnt know where to, you just wanted everything to stop. It hurt so much. You found yourself at the ledge of the castle pillar.

"(Y/n) please dont do it" you turned around and smiled sadly at the green clad boy. You had only met him because of dark. He was as close to a friend as he could get. But he wasnt truly a friend.

"Im sorry link. Ill be fine with my shadow of the past in death" with that you fell backwards. The world seemed to slow down as you were falling. You could see link staring down at you. You didn't care. You would be happy to reunite with the love of your life. Your dark.


The hero of time sat in the graveyard by the two graves of his best friends. He had become distant from the town. All he wanted was to see you both again. A tear fell onto the grass and the wind blew. A heaet shaped leaf landed befor him. It was half dark brown and half light brown. He smiled sadly. "Goodbye "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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Dark link x male reader : shadows of the pastWhere stories live. Discover now