Mine (a Billy Unger fanfic)

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You walk out of Mr. Brooks' class with tears stinging your eyes, and your stomach feels nauscious. You can't believe you didn't pass the test. AGAIN. You hadn't passed the last two tests, either. This was the last straw. Your parents said that if you failed three tests, you'd have to get a tutor. How embarassing! It's not that you had anything against tutors, or anyone with a tutor, it's just that you were still kind of the new girl. everyone seemed kinda judgmental.

You really wanted to impress the girls that could potentially be your friends.

The other thing, was that your parents said you'd be grounded for awhile. What if you got invited somewhere?

You walk over to your locker, and shoved the test in, taking a deep breath. you grab the books that you'll need for your last class, and close your locker door. You walk down the hallway and into Mrs. Walden's room. Lucky for you, today she is showing a video. Your mind is racing, and you can't focus on anything.

"Leo Dooley please come here." Mrs. Walden calls.

You try to hide a grin, but the attempt failed. Leo is one of the few people you actually know at this school. You went to the same elementary school, and back in 4th grade, you paired together for a project, you've been close friends since then.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks Mrs. Walden.

"Well," Leo starts. You can feel your grin start to spread into a huge smile. Leo sees you and stifles a laugh. "I've seen in movies, where spies can get anywhere they want to by doing flips and sommersaults and stuff, so I thought I'd try it." Only Leo you think to yourself, giggling silently.

"You put a hole the wall when you ran into that table, Leo! That'll cost the school a lot of money! I'm afraid you'll have to take care of the cost, Mr. Dooley.'

"What? Is that really neccessary, Mrs. W? I mean look, you can poke your head through the hole and say hello to Mr. Jacobs whenever you want to, now!"

By now you are laughing out loud, and Mrs. Walden gives you the evil eye. This makes you quiet down, but you are still smiling. You catch Leo's eye and he grins. You shake your head and and chuckle. He gives you a "what?" look.

At the end of class you walk out with Leo right behind you. He catches up to you, and it only takes one look at eachother for you guys to be full-fledged belly laughing.

When you two finally catch your breath, Leo asks "How'd you do on the test for Mr. Brooks's class?"

You sigh. "Failed."

"oh no! tutor?"


"aww that stinks" the bell rings. "gotta go.

"see ya!" you call as Leo walks away. 

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