I Love My Brofriends

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It was a long day for the McDuck fam. After a long day of adventuring, everyone was simply left exhausted. Launchpad had fallen asleep before he even landed the plane, having one of his surprisingly more relaxed crashes in the backyard. The rest of the family quietly left him there, letting him sleep in a sleeping position.

"We should have him at least lay down." Huey mumbled tiredly, still walking towards the manor, "His neck will be so sore in the morning."

The family entered the living room through the back door. Donald and Scrooge both crashed onto the couch, Donald's snoring soon filling the room. Della tried to pry the two up, expecting them to at least go to their bedrooms, before Scrooge pulled her down onto their cuddle pile.

Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby simply went up the stairs from the foyer, into their bedrooms. Louie quickly laid back in his own bed, groaning as he sank onto his memory foam.

"God, today felt like it was never gonna end!" Louie complained, "That adventure took like, all day!"

Huey nodded, walking over to their bunk bed to go over to the latter. He looked behind himself to see Dewey limping over to the bed. It was hard to tell in the dark, but considering how loud Dewey usually was, it was easy to tell something was wrong.

"Dewey?" Huey asked, clapping his hands to turn on the bedroom light. He looked and saw a large cut on the side of Dewey's leg, blood dripping onto the carpet of their bedroom. "Dewey!" Huey cried out, running over to his younger brother. Louie hurried over as well, quickly seeing what was going on.

"I-It's fine!" Dewey stuttered out. Huey quickly sat down the blue clothed duck, propping his leg up on their desk before examining it. 

"When did this happen?" Huey asked, frowning up at his brother. Louie had already moved beside Dewey, wrapping his arms around his older brother to comfort him while Huey nursed his leg. 

"It was when we were leaving the temple. I tripped and hurt myself." Dewey mumbled, looking away from them. Tears welled up in his eyes, though not because of any physical pain, but because he was so disappointed with himself for being so stupid. It didn't help that his brothers were gonna fuss over him. 

Huey looked up and saw just how upset Dewey was, and chose to simply focus on helping his leg get better. Silently grabbing his medical supplies from his bag. 

Louie however, didn't wanna leave Dewey like this. He was never the best when it came to physical issues, that was always more Huey's department. Louie however did understand emotions, and especially how people tick. He leaned down, and kissed Dewey on the cheek before pulling away. 

Louie walked in front of his older brothers, smirking at Dewey before he took his hoodie off. Dewey quickly covered his eyes, he was comfortable in his relationship with his brothers, but even he knew they were took young for any kind of inappropriate acts of affection. Louie however had plans Dewey wasn't expecting, quickly putting the hoodie onto Dewey for him to wear. The green hoodie was warm, and the sweet smell of Pep clung to it. Louie then took Huey's hat from his head, placing it on Dewey as he put his arms through the sleeves of the hoodie. 

"We love you, you dork." Louie pulled his older brother up into a gentle kiss, before quickly pulling away to see the dazed look on his face, "So stop being stupid over a silly little injury." 

Dewey nodded, letting Huey bandage his leg. He almost hopped up from his chair before coming up with a little silly plan. "Can you guys carry me? I don't think I can walk to bed." 

Huey and Louie both looked at each other, rolling their eyes. Huey grabbed Dewey's legs, while Louie grabbed his hands, and together they lifted up the middle child, and carried him to Louie's bed. 

Huey and Louie then changed into their pajamas, before climbing into bed as well, snuggling close to Dewey. The three of them each closed their eyes, sleep slowly creeping up on them. 

"You're the best brofriends ever." Dewey mumbled, completely ruining the sweet moment they had just shared. But, Huey and Louie were much to tired to retaliate, so they simply drifted off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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