Cнα⅊тɛʀ 2 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

The masculine voice broke my daze as I came back to reality and immediately became flustered at the realisation of what had just happened. I stepped back with a crushing thought evading my mind; 'Oh no, why am I so messy?'

Though there was no one around us in the stairwell, I couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere, prying behind corners, people were giving me death glares. The same good-looking man had now unwrapped those burly arms from around me, also taking a step back and inquisitively staring at my shy figure. 'Maybe he's angry with me', I thought to myself whilst looking down at my shoes and shifting uncomfortably.

"Are you okay? Do I know you?" Asked the concerned man with a voice that captivated my attention. 'What should I reply with? That I was late to my first day and now I'm fired because of it?' I sarcastically chastised myself.

"Um... I'm Nora Jones, the new assistant of Mr. Elijah Cooper, I just started today", I informed him. I continued to avoid the man's staring and started to scuffle my feet against the floor out of nervousness. 'They'll definitely throw me outside now', I decided.

The man's voice interrupted my thoughts as he spoke, "Okay, that's good to know. Come with me I have some work for you." He seemed to ignore my surprised state as he made the first few steps up the stairs towards a set of office rooms. 'I don't think he knows that I was just fired', I grimaced in distaste.

"Excuse me sir, I just got fired. I mean, Anna, ma'am said that I was late, and that Mr Elijah didn't like people who weren't punctual", I stuttered, still looking down in embarrassment.
The man raised his eyebrows at that and looked away in thought for a second before he commented, "Anna Brown? Whatever she said doesn't matter. My name is Elian Cooper, it's nice to meet you, come with me."

I nodded and hesitantly followed Elian up the stairs. My thoughts took control of my awareness, and I couldn't help but think about what had just happened, 'So, Anna's not an important worker, and this man's a member of the Cooper family?' The last five minutes had confused me, and I abruptly came to a stop in my tracks, luckily Elian noticed and turned around, his piercing blue eyes looking straight into my own.

He seemed to know what was racing through my mind as he gently smiled and said, "I'm Elijah's younger brother. The boss hasn't come in today in case you were wondering." My shoulders slumped in relief at that piece of information. Elian started walking once again and I obediently followed behind him. 'If Elijah didn't come in today, then am I Elian's assistant now? I won't lie though he's really handsome', I noted as I watched his suit pulling on his broad back showcasing strong muscles and a lean waist.

We eventually exited the stairwell, entering the eighth floor of the building where I was completely out of breath acting like a sweaty mess whereas Elian seemed completely relaxed. 'What the hell, how?' I wanted to know as I took big gulps of air and looked at a hallway which led to small plain offices and large conference rooms. Elian was heading towards the largest office which was closed off from nosy staff workers. I assumed it belonged to him as his official office.

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