Cнα⅊тɛʀ 3 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

Our search for the files in the storage room was a short one but during that time, Elian and I had spoken a little, exchanged numbers, and gotten to know each other better. I managed to get a grip over my fear of the darkness, taking my hand away from him as I tried to act more professional. Elian guided me on what I should do with each file before walking out of the storage room and leaving the office building.

I, on the other hand headed to my office settling down for the next few hours of hard work. I wanted to go home too but it seemed that on my first day there was no chance of that happening what with the amount of newly acquired responsibilities I was held up with. Eventually I peered at the clock in the far corner of the room, a loud exasperated sigh escaping my lips as the ticking of the clock struck eight pm.

Most of the other office workers had already left and I was one of the few remaining people that had to trudge through and continue working. I walked over to Naomi and asked her if I was allowed to leave and finish the rest of the work at home, but she denied me with a sympathetic look.

I was famished, tired, grouchy, and just plain done with the day. It didn't help that my stomach was constantly growling disturbed by the lack of food in my system. My eyelids were starting to droop every now and again, but I forced myself to jolt awake in case someone snitched on me. I just needed some sleep, but coffee would become my new desperate addiction with this job.

Through the eery silence of the office came the soft howling of the wind, like the whooshing sound of an ocean, ricocheting off the walls and taunting me with an uneasy feeling. Scenes from horror movies flashed in my mind and I unconsciously shivered in fright.

Unfortunately, the deaf silence was abruptly interrupted by an unknown sound. I ignored it trying to convince myself that the racket was the suspicious wind but as time passed by the persistent sound reappeared, blaring like high pitched music.

'Should I check? Maybe it's an animal', I debated with myself as I slowly got up from my desk, 'But then again, how can an animal get inside the building all the way up to the eighth floor?'

As I peered out into the hallway, I witnessed a singular lightbulb switched on illuminating a small portion of the area. The chilling noise came to a dubious stop and for some reason I awaited a haunted doll or teddy bear to come crawling its way from out of the darkness into the centre of the light.

'I think I should go home', I decided as I moved back into my room and sat behind my desk, quickly picking up my phone ready to dial Elian's number. Just my luck that Elian didn't bother to answer me as my spine tingled with unease. I tried calling him again and this time he picked up on the third ring.

"Hello sir, may I go home and do my remaining work from there because I'm all alone here and I don't feel comfortable."

There was silence on the other end of the phone and after a long while I nervously checked to see whether he had hung up on me, but the call showed it was still ongoing.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now