Lunch at 10pm

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I led us through the shops after saying hello to Sakura. I then went to my favorite sea food restaurant, Kimchi's Sushi. It is exactly three doors down from the apothecary shop that Korosensei got me a job at on weekends.
    We walked into the restaurant and Kimchi Kun gave us a table. I go here way too often to be so friendly with  Kimchi. His mother actually named him Kimchi Kimchi.
"You are here late Hanachan." He commented when he sat us down.
"I was not planning to come by today but we are here for lunch. You know the time change." I responded noticing the looks of confusion by Mcgnagall and Snape due to the fact they don't speak Japanese.
"What would you like to eat today then?" He asked
"Tako Shokushu for me and let me ask them." I answered then turned to the adults.
"What would you like to eat? Kimchi kun is taking orders."

"Salmon sushi for me." Snape said.
"Tuna roll for me." Mcgnagall replied.
I turned back to Kimchi and said, "One order of the salmon rolls and one of tuna. Can we also have rice for sides and waters to drink?"

"I will be back with your octopus and sushi soon then. Any appetizers for the foreigners?" He asked teasingly.
"No, it is only lunch. You don't even have appetizers here. You only sell meals."
"You caught me. I will be back in a few." He said then walked away.
I turned back to the teachers.
"You seem familiar with the teenager." Mcgnagall commented.
"I pick up lunch here occasionally. Spite how inland we are this place has some of the best fresh fish around. The best part is that none of it is fried so all of the flavor is still there." I answered.
"Where is the apothecary?" Snape asked.
"Three shops down. It is the magician's cures and herbs. Hisoka san owns the place and it is open 20 hours Monday through Friday but 24 hours on the Weekends." I answered relatively quickly since I have had to deal with costumers too often.
I looked at the clock and it was 10:40 now. I noticed Kimchi was bringing the food now.
"Here you go Hanako Chan. Your octopus tentacles and the sushi. I will let you give them the sushi since I don't know who ordered what. Bye the way, your potions master is here. Would you like for me to let him know you are here?" Kimichi informed me while handing me the plates and some chopsticks.
"Yes. Please let him know I am here. He knows the man sitting across from me as well."
"Alright. Bye the way the total is four galleons and three sickles."
I fished the money out of my pocket and handed it to him. The other reason I like this place is how cheap the food is. It equals to about five to six US dollars a plate. I get a 10% discount for costumer loyalty.

Mcgnagall and Snape were too busy looking at the mass of wiggling tentacles on my plate to notice that I payed for them. Very Fresh. I picked up my chopsticks and put the first tentacle in my mouth and started to chew. They looked horrified.
"How can you eat that?" Mcgnagall asked in her state of shock.
Once I chewed it about fifty times I swallowed it and replied, "I chew it till the suckers won't stick to my throat and swallow. If you are speaking in terms of appetizing results then that is a good question and I just like the taste and texture. I also remind you that at least 40% of all day to day potions contain animal parts in them."
"Fair point." Snape said then decided to eat his sushi.
Mcgnagall followed suit and we ate in silence till a yellow blur came into view and sat beside me since my side of the booth was empty.
"Hello Korosensei." I said calmly which shocked Mcgnagall.
"Isn't it a bit late for dinner? You have midterms to study for." He asked in English since I greeted him that way.
"No, we are here for lunch."
"At almost 11pm?" He asked accusingly.
"Time change. I was taking some tests at the ministry and we missed Hogwarts' lunch." I answered.
"That makes sense then. Have you attended my class of the day yet?"
"No, I decided to attend Hogwarts first today. I assume that is the reason I don't see my second self here. And anyway, aren't you supposed to be at the 3-E building under watch?" I asked.
"I have permission to be out in public in this part of Japan."
"Then why do you send me out here to do your shopping?" I asked accusingly.
"It is good life experience." He said trying to avoid trouble.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Mcgnagall asked.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you. I thought is was just Severus and Hanako. I am Korosensei and I teach Hanako when she goes here." Korosensei answered my godmother.
"Oh. Nice to meet you then. I am Hanako's godmother and Transfiguration teacher. How is she doing in your class?" Mcgnagall asked being the helicopter parent in my life.
"She is doing quite wonderfully in all of her classes. In fact she is still the number one student in school. Her acts on the student council has slowly allowed more rights to the 3-E class. Before her, all of the student gathering were at our lunch schedule and she managed to get the gatherings pushed back an hour and for the 3-E class to be able to attend lunch on the main campus those days." Korosensei said.
"Student council? She hasn't told me anything about that." Mcgnagall questioned and looked at me accusingly.
Snape just listened to the conversation with slight interest seeing as I was highly embarrassed.
"Yes, she is the school President. It is run by the highest ranking students who have no disciplinary problems. She shows up to school a good two hours early to get the layout of lessons for the day before she gets sucked into hallway patrols down at the main campus during class time. Around third period she climbs back up the mountain for about and hour and a half to take any test or quizzes before she goes back down to the main campus for her daily meetings and more hallway patrol. She then climbs back up the mountain for the last two classes of the day and lunch. She then stays after school for about an hour to socialize with her classmates before she completes her potions apprenticeship with me. After that she eats a box of pocky and converses with Irina Sensei for about an hour and has a pleasant conversation with Karasuma Sensei before she helps out at the orphanage till nightfall. After that, she usually portal keys back to Hogwarts and uses her time turner to get a few hours of sleep and finishes homework before doing her school day there." Korosensei informed her making me want to hide in the booth.
"Hanako hasn't told me much of her schedule at all. Would you mind sending me weekly updates via owl? Apparently I cannot trust her to tell me when she gets too much of a packed schedule." Mcgnagall asked in a tone that started to scare both Korosensei and I.
At least he didn't say anything about my job preparing ingredients for Hisoka San.
"I will. How about you schedule a teacher conference sometime this week so you can talk to her two other teachers as well?" He asked in a panic.
"That sounds wonderful. Does Friday afternoon work?" She asked.
"Of course. I will let Karasuma and Irina know. Irina will just have to translate for Karasuma though. Hey Serverus, are you going to attend? I was planning to teach her wolfsbane potion but I will be occupied." Korosensei asked.
"I guess I will attend. I made her write a essay on it before I contacted you and it would be Interesting to see how she brews it for the first time." Snape agreed spite his best interests.
"Great. It has been wonderful meeting you Miss Mcgnagall. Nice to see you again Severus. And I will see you in class Hanako." Korosensei said getting up to leave.
"Bye Korosensei." I said as he went to his table.
"That was eventful." Snape said awkwardly.
"Yes. It was." Mcgnagall said looking at me.
"Let's go to the apothecary now. I already paid." I said standing up.
"You didn't have to do that." My godmother said as we started to leave.
"It wasn't that much. Only 4 galleons and three sickles. I also gave Kimchi an extra sickle for a tip too." I said leaving the restaurant.
"Thank you." Mcgnagall and Snape said as I led them to the apothecary.
Once inside, Snape floated off to explore and Mcgnagall stuck with me. We went to find some moon flower petals and a few other things I needed. While I was looking, I saw a familiar face a few feet away looking at some pre-made potions on the wall. I walked over to him an Mcgnagall trailed behind.
"Hello Karasuma Sensei." I greeted shocking him.
"I didn't expect to see you here Hanako. But I shouldn't be so shocked that you know about this place based off of the magic you give off." He replied.
"What are you looking for? I am decent with potions so I can help you find something." I asked him.
"That octopus and Irina have given me constant headaches. I don't know very many potions so I am stumped at which one to buy." He confessed.
Mcgnagall was looking at us strangely but didn't say anything.
"Well, for headaches you are looking in the wrong place. Hisoka san keeps those under his counter. He does that mainly because they have specific instructions for you to follow otherwise you have an increased chance for negative side effects. The most common being itching, swelling of tongue, nausea, heartburn, blurred vision, fatality, and hair discoloration. Hisoka san stocked up on the potions Saturday so they are relatively fresh. Good luck Sensei." I said pointing to the counter.
"Thank you Hanako." He said and walked off.
"Who was that?" Mcgnagall asked.
"That was Karasuma Sensei. His co-workers have given him a headache that muggle medicines weren't working on. I pointed him in the direction of pain relief potions. He was looking at the less useful potions." I explained.
"He looked shocked to see you." She commented.
"Well, I haven't exactly gone around shouting that I am a witch. Plus here you generally only learn one type of magic instead of all of them like we do." I joked.
"Why is that?" She asked curiously.
"Well, there is no such thing as a muggle." I stated.
"What to you mean?" She questioned.
"Anyone can do magic. Britain is the only country still obsessed with Blood purity though. For some people it is harder for them to use it so they only learn the absolute basics or an entire single type of magic. Knowing Karasuma Sensei, he most likely specializes in some sort of enhancement magic. Irina Sensei messes with auras and Korosensei is more like me but has a mastery in potions." I said clearing up some things.
"That is interesting to learn." Snape said popping out from around a corner.
"Did You find everything you needed?" I asked him curiously.
"Yes, serveral ingredients are much cheaper here too, most likely since they are more abundant here."
I bought my ingredients then we went back to the port key location and appeared in Mcgnagall's office. We re transfigured our clothes into robes and walked out of her office and into her classroom.
"You did rather well on your transfigurations exam. As well as your other exams that I have heard." My godmother said patting my head.
"My DADA could have gone much better. If I pass that at all it will be because I almost had a full body patronus. All I could make out were fangs but it seemed rather big."
"You certainly passed the potions exam. You didn't even follow the given instructions." Snape commented making Minnie smile.
"Potions, charms, transfiguration, and divination come to me rather easily. Plus, Korosensei decided to teach me how to properly brew what he considers to be the move advanced potions first after the basics are ensured so that the mild ones are easy."
"That is a tad unorthodox." Minnie commented making me smile.
"I appreciate it. I like a good challenge."
"Anyway, you have the rest of your day off and us teachers have decided to excuse you from any homework and assignments given out today. You are free to do whatever you wish to do for the rest of the day." Minnie said grabbing a stack of papers and starting to grade.
I look at the moon flower petals in my bag and hatch an idea for something that could be fun, "Professor Snape, do you know where I could find blood from a werewolf? I have an idea I wish to test."
"I know a person who owes me a few favors, why do you ask?"
"Lycanthropy is triggered by the phases of the moon. Specifically when the moon is full in which it is known to amplify magical energy. Hisoka San had just gotten in a shipment of moon flowers from France and I would like to see how the blood cells of a werewolf react in a more contained environment rather than waiting during a full moon to come across a werewolf. Moon flowers directly absorb the energy from the moon so theoretically the flowers should trigger the cells to react without any risk."
"Moon flowers are rare since they typically die out when introduced to sunlight therefore, your experiment hasn't been able to been conducted yet. I do happen to know of a blood supply source and he owes me. Be down in the potions classroom in two hours." Snape said walking off.
I went down to the green houses and gave Professor Sprout some seeds that I collected from the flower heads and she thanked me for thinking of her.
I then go into the common room and talk to Charlie for some time before heading down to the Potions classroom. I wait till the sixths years exit and I walk in to see Snape walk out of his office with four vials of a deep red liquid.
"You are permitted to use one vial for your experiment, anymore and we could both get in trouble. The other three are if you find something interesting that needs to have further research done." He stated calmly handing me a vial and permitted me to use any supply or space in the classroom I needed to to my tests.
Setting up at on of the potion stations, I silently curse myself for not thinking ahead a buying a decent microscope. I instead am forced to work with what I got so I transfigure my fan I received on my birthday into one of the extremely magnified, and able to see down at a deep celular level, microscope. I place a few drops of the blood on the slide and I adjust till the image is clear. I make a detailed sketch of the normal werewolf cells then I ground up a petal of moon flower and mixed it into a solution. I placed a drop of solution onto the slide with the blood and I observe the changes. It was almost instantaneous. The cells turned a shade of blue and seemed to be operating at a faster level than they were before. I also draw a diagram of what was happening now to document my findings. I start a timer on my phone to se how long it takes for the cells to go back to normal and I start cleaning up my station a bit inbetween my checking on the cells.
Three hours later...

They finally turned back to normal. That took forever. But now I would like to see what happens when I add aconite to the activated cells. Reactivating the cells, I make a solution of aconite and brutally watch as the cells activate their endgame and kill themselves. Like I wrote in my thesis on the wolfsbane potion, it is more harmful to werewolves but it allows them to be harmless on their one night a month.
"Pour souls." I mutter out loud getting Snape to question what I was thinking about.
Answering him, I explain, "What ever you do, don't allow your acquaintance to drink moonflower tea or moon charged water. I would hate for werewolves to get even more slander from the ministry with what I have found. And secondly, wolfsbane does what I hypothesized it did, but I hate to be confirmed on it."
"So you confirmed your hypothesis of rapid cellular degradation that you wrote of on your essay. What did the Moon Flower do to the blood sample?"
"It triggered what I suppose the blood cells would be like during a full moon. They turned blue and started moving at a higher frequency than normal. I am not sure the affects in direct sunlight, but at any time of night or indoors, it would be terrible if a werewolf ingested magical plants or liquids that naturally absorb moonlight since it could potentially trigger them to transform. I timed the deactivation of the cells to be at 3 hours."
"I am not the most uneducated on the ways of muggle sciences, but I will have to inform you that if you go any further I will be lost as you have covered what I understand in a little more depth."
"What I need to do is more genetic testing. I don't have the equipment for it but I am sure there is a spell or potion in a book that can reveal certain genetic markers. That or I can go find a lab somewhere and see if Korosensei Can go run the blood for results. If we are lucky, lycanthropy is just a minor genetic defect that I am sure can be treated magically. That being said, I need to go speak with Madam Pompfry about her knowledge in biology." I say undoing the transfiguration of my fan and putting it back in my bag along with the slides and sample of blood.
"Have you decided what you will do to complete your potion mastery yet?"
"Well, either something related to my lycanthropy project, but I might just make that under a branch of healing magic, or maybe I will find a more effective way to use certain potions rather than ingesting them. Everything else seems like it is done already."
"There are not a lot of choices, you are correct. If your ideas don't pan out, maybe attempt to make a base potion that the final out come will be determined by some small step."
"I will try it, thank you." I say smiling as I leave the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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