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As the fire elemental sized up the river, he decided a direct approach may not yield a desired outcome. He would not be stopped by such a paltry flow of water, but nereids, small divine beings and ESPECIALLY elementals generally dislike when you destroy their home.

"If the owner of this small water flow would like to prevent it's destruction, show yourself to me"

As soon as the words had left his mouth an eel shot forth from the frothing whitewater, stopping mere inches from his face. A beautiful woman ascended from the froth, as if water evaporating from her river was causing the very formation of her existence.

"You dare desecrate a place I hold dear?" The Diviness seethed

"No, otherwise I'd have said nothing. My mission requires passage beyond your river. May I pass, or must I desecrate this holy place?" The Elemental joked, not unfamiliar with divine wrath.

"Touch these waters, be extinguished, cross and be killed. Your choice." The hatred was clear on her face

"Why not both? I could use the exercise today." Keeping the fire of the conversation lit, much as fire elementals tend to keep fires going.

Confident this new threat was at least less of a threat, the Diviness put the eel back in the water. "Your jokes may also lead to demise. Tread carefully." Her stern look at least betrayed that her hatred was not of him, probably fire elementals.

Fire elementals are destructive pillars of chaos who generally lived to create the mayhem of the world. Generally.

"I know my kinsmen may not help my reputation, but at least I didn't turn your paltry stream into paltry steam." He smiled devilishly "though I fear had I, I'd have missed this conversation."

The flirtyness in his voice caught her off guard "W-wha...??" Just as she opened her mouth, the fire elemental snapped, and instantly a bridge made of what appeared to be red hot magma appeared over the river.

"Knew that'd get ya, see you eventually", he said starting to head for the bridge.

"Stop!" She shouted, pushing the river over the bridge, drying the magma, solidifying the bridge.

"Excellent! Now the humans can use it." The Elemental then calmly walked across the bridge, confident in his handling of the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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