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"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"

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"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"

- Charles Bukowski


Lily Luna Potter has always felt restricted in life. Restrained by the weight of her namesake. and the fame of her relatives. She was expected to be just as great as them but could never quite escape being compared to them. It was hard to be herself and still uphold those expectations.

When so much is expected of you it's hard to know where you stand. It's hard to know who you are when people keep telling you what you should be.

Then something strange happened.

Where a tragedy should've been, Lily is found in a life where she's not known as Harry Potter's daughter.

Because Harry Potter hasn't yet been born.

Except, she doesn't know anything is wrong. She doesn't know that the life she is living is not her life at all.

This is the story of how she came to terms with who she was and who she had become.

Life cannot be lived to the fullest until one knows who they are.

This is her great journey of discovery.


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