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Plss Karu..try to understand me.

Karthik:- you understand me teju

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Karthik:- you understand me teju. I am struggling actor. Untill now I am doing small movies and people wont even knew me. In this field we have to struggle always to keep our position and I am at beginning and you want me to marry you.

Teju:- no,I am not asking you to marry me. I am just saying meet my father later I will convince him to wait for sometime.

Trust me karu I will wait my whole life for you but just meet my father or else he will make me marry some other guy.

I cant live without you or tied to another men. I die karthik and my father is not lisening to me. He is warning me whether I should marry his choice guy or make you meet him.

I cant leave you or i can't go against my father, that's why I am saying let's onces meet my father.

Kartik:- so that he can insult me asking how I will take care of you which he already did and

Teju:- that was past karthik that time you didnt even had a movie but I made my dad understand na I stood with you , see now you were acting. You were getting movies.

Karthik:- I am sorry teju you yourself try to make him understand or choose your father path marry that guy which your father showing you.

Teju:- I can't karthik. I just cant and I didnt love you just to marry another one. You were not understanding dad is not understanding everyone wants me to understand. Why dont you both understand you both are my lifes. I cant loose anyone.

I will die before you both then problem will be solved.

Karthik:- then die. Problem will be really solved and I will be free from this headache.

 Problem will be really solved and I will be free from this headache

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Saying this he goes away leaving shattered teju behind. She moves away from their and crosses karthik who was standing little far from her and holding his head.

 She moves away from their and crosses karthik who was standing little far from her and holding his head

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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