Chapter 1: Can't accept

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He couldn't believe it...he lost to..Lui. This isn't what he wanted, he made a promise to Shu. But that promise wasn't kept. When he was backstage in that little room bladders always wait in, Valt fell onto his knees and broke down in tears. Sobs wrecked through his thin body harshly, tears drenched his face. While he coughed from his crying and lack of air between each whine escaping his lips.

Five minutes passed before the door cracked open and arms circling around his waist. A chin was placed on his shoulder, hair partially sticking to his wet face. Valt knew who this person is behind him. It was none other than his love, Shu Kurenai. His boyfriend knew that this game helped him cope with his depression and to stop cutting himself. You see, his parents separated  recently due to irreconcilable differences. At least that was what he was told by his mom.

Not everybody at school liked the Valtreyk blader a lot.

Valt remembers how he always gets beaten up and thrown around like a rag doll, then Shu or Rantaro always has to save him. He can never take care of himself and stop making trouble come to him. Valt feels worthless, no, he is worthless.

"Valt..babe, it's okay hun. I know you tried your very best. We will find a way to beat Lui once and for all, when next year comes. Don't cry Valty, please.." Shu whispered in his ear.

"YOU. DON'T. GET. IT." Valt boomed out suddenly.

The boy wrenched himself from Shu's arms and started to run out of the building. All he could feel is anger. At himself, at the people who try to make everyone seem okay and at his nemesis, Lui. He could hear Shu running after him, calling out his name loudly. Valt groaned and rolled his eyes when he sees Rantaro, Daigo and Ken coming out of nowhere, frantically. Rantaro talked with a tearful Shu, while the other two started their pursuit for him.

"Valt! Stoooop!" Daigo yelled out frantically.

Oh my fucking god! Just leave him the hell alone for goodness sakes!

While he was busy fuming after people who wouldn't leave him alone, Valt didn't noticed a shoe in his way, making him trip and fall. Now it was his turn to yell out as he ran into a vending machine. Hurting his back, causing a small, whiny groan to escape his mouth.

I..I can't believe I lost. Why? How?!

"Valt? Are you okay?"

*Didn't even noticed that he was being picked up and carried* I failed Shu. I don't deserve anything in my life.

His lost is real, like actually for real, for real. But still, Valt can't believe that he lost. He was soooo close! Like, damnit! All the blue haired blader could remember was Shu's heartbroken face during his lost to Lui, when he wasn't able to battle his love. Just like they had promised each other.

No way was he going to let Shu down, but his lost today did just that.


"Valt, honey! Shu is on the phone, wanting to talk to you." His mom called from downstairs, since he was in his room.

But the boy wasn't in the mood to talk,"No mom! Tell him to leave me alone," he yelled out hoarsely, tears welling up in his eyes again. Chiharu frowned sadly, knowing that Shu heard everything.

Shu: It's okay Mrs. Aoi, don't force him. I will try to check in again later.

Chiharu: Okay Shu, take care of yourself. Alright?

Shu: Y-Yes ma'am, I will.

Back at the Kurenai home, Shu hanged up the phone, trying hard to hold back tears. He knows it's about time when Valt will start his self torture again. But there's something else...Shu can feel some sort of darkness, slimy feeling, sneaking through their bond. When it was time to sleep, everything was well for an hour before Shu started to dream..

The Dream
"Shu! Shu! We have to find a way to save Valt and Valtreyk. They're in danger!"

The white haired boy jumped up at the voice, Spryzen. He looked at his surroundings, it's nothing but clouds and taffy pink skies. Only he and his bey, in his being form, there. But the bey looked afraid.

"Spryzen, what's wrong? Tell me!" Shu asked, frightened and worried.

His bey went on to say that his boyfriend and bey are in danger of being corrupted. That there is a threat coming that will play with Valt's emotions and manifest the power of Valtreyk into his own image. Or, if the bey refuses it's will, might simply be destroyed or cast away from Valt forever.

Back to Reality
Shu woke up, eyes wide with fear, tears on his face and lips. It was in the middle of the night and his hands are already shaking. He has to warn and help Valt, somehow! After a glass of water and a breathing session, Shu went back to sleep.

Who would've knew of what is to come later in the day.

Valt is gone.

Chiharu woke up to go to Valt's room. To make sure he was on time for his therapy appointment, but he wasn't in his room. She called all of his friends, teachers and lastly Shu to see if they've talked or seen Valt. No one did or knew where he went. But everyone got out of their homes to help look for him.

Shu must've sent over thirteen messages and called him twenty times. But Valt never answered or picked up. He tried to FaceTime his boyfriend, but to no avail. He was solemnly walking up to the rooftop, where the gang would hang out and practice blading. His tired and saddened body sagged down on a bench, looking up to the sky, pleading for Valt's safe return.

A piece of paper caught his eye, where it lay next to the favored stadium. Legs pushed him up and scraped over to the spot, Shu bent down to pick up and opened it. Eyes widened, the letter is from Valt!

As he read it, though, his heart plummeted down to his stomach. Full of sadness and fear. You see everyone, Valt has changed a lot. He has never forgiven himself when he lost to Lui and didn't avenged Shu.

Valt has been offered a deal and has to travel abroad to a special place. But it can't be revealed and..he will have to be bind to the person forever. Valtreyk is cast away somewhere at home, he has a new bey now. Who so happens to be his former bey's brother...


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