Broken Loyalty

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Broken Loyalty

I swiftly walked toward the the beach. Athena and...Hera? Wanted to meet me there because they had something to tell me me...meh. My eyes lifted to the horizon. It was a beautiful sunrise. Somehow it looked sad. Like something terrible was going to happen. Before I could question it I'd reached the beach. About three minutes later I spotted the two Goddesses. They were staring at one spot. Athena had a look of disgust. Hera had a look of pure loathing. they didn't seem to notice me. I was about to clear my throat when Athena's head snapped up. And m. She poked Hera and pointed to me. Athena started to tear up. 'What?!  That wasn't right..why would she cry?'  Then a thought struck me. 'Could she be crying' ' No that wasn't right, why would she cry for me?' 

The reasonable part of me answered. 'She was looking at you when she started to cry'. The other part of me pointed out. I locked gazes with Hera an eyebrow razed.(We'd gotten closer after I apologized about being rude to her. (Not shipping them!!) Instead of an answer she stared at the place she was looking a moment ago. I followed her gaze and saw two figures. It was just bright enough to see the blond and black hair, as the two figures kissed..passionately. I knew exactly who they were. The black haired boy was my half-brother, Anders Nelson. And the blond Annabeth. 

The one I went to HELL and back with! My Annabeth who was currently KISSING another guy. It sunk in that my Wise Girl was cheating on me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch her, yell at her, or storm off. 'Maybe all three'. I thought. I looked back at the two Goddesses who, not long ago, were like my enemies. Now we're friends. They looked at me with eyes full of sadness. I turned back to Annabeth and Anders and managed to croak out one word. "Why?" My voice didn't sound like me. It seemed broken beyond repair. Like one of Leo's discarded machines. The two jumped away from one another. 

"P-Percy! Look I can's not what it looks like!" Annabeth yells as a start to walk away.

"Sure it is." I yell back breaking into a full on run. As I run away I can hear Anders voice saying something around the lines of  'At least we don't have to worry about him anymore'

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