Chapter One: Someone New

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It had only been seven days since my father's defeat, but it always felt like it was yesterday. His castle and the Belmont Hold were now mine to protect and to be sure none of it went to waste. Humanity still has a chance to go on. My mother could now rest in peace, maybe even my father since they are both likely together now. But despite all of that, I couldn't help but feel empty inside.

Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades, the only two friends I ever had were now gone, moving on with their lives. The only family I had was dead. I realized then that I was now alone. But at least every morning was a beautiful one. I found some bliss in that. It was one of the few things here that I would find enjoyable. It wasn't much but it did something for me.


Before I exited the castle, I grabbed two buckets to collect some water. I had a small smile on my face as I felt the cool breeze against my face as I walked to the river near the castle. I heard a few birds chirping as the sound of the river grew louder. When I got there, I knelt by the river and began to fill the buckets with water. I still kept alert of my surroundings, in case anything happened. Just when I finished filling them both, I heard someone humming not far from where I was. I slowly stood up and turned my head to my left, which was the direction I heard it coming from. Out of curiosity, I began walking towards where the humming was, leaving both of my buckets of water behind.

As I walked, the humming grew louder. Which meant that I was getting closer. After half a minute of walking, I was close enough to see who was humming and stopped. My eyes widened slightly at the sight. It was a woman, a human woman. She looked to be only eighteen years of age. She had long, dark auburn hair that was held by a crown braid that was half up, pale skin that looked soft to the touch, but I couldn't see her eyes since she was looking down. She was dressed in a black gown and a dark blue hood. She was currently filling a red pitcher with water from the other side of the river.

Without thinking, I took a step forward and heard something snap. I looked down and saw a broken twig under my boot. I then looked back at the woman, but when I did she was running off. Her pitcher was lying ungracefully on its side by the river. The water within it was pouring out from it and was streaming back to the river.

I wanted to shout "Wait" to the woman but I didn't. I just sighed in response to what happened and turned away. I began walking back to get my water and head back to the castle. But I stopped after only four steps and turned my head back. I looked at the red pitcher that was now empty and needing to be filled.

" Perhaps, I should give the stranger a proper greeting and bring her that water she needed.", I said to myself.


After I filled the pitcher with water, I followed the direction I last saw the woman take. She couldn't have been far, at least I hope not. As I walked, I noticed that it was much quieter here. No birds were out, no bees, no foxes, or deer. Only the trees and grass were here. Not a lot of sun here, even though it was the middle of the day.

I searched for fifteen minutes of where the woman was or at least where she might be. I then found a small stone cottage that was covered in vines and moss, surrounded by lovely flowers. I saw no one outside but I noticed a small silhouette of a woman in the window." This must be where she lives.", I thought to myself. I walked to the cottage and stopped once I was at the door. I lifted one hand to knock while the other held the pitcher. I knocked three times on the door and waited. Not a minute later, I heard footsteps approaching the door. The door then opened and it was her. She gasped then averted her eyes from me.

I looked at her with a calm expression on my face. We were both silent for a small moment until she asked," Something you needed, sir?". Her voice was soft and a bit shaky like she was afraid of something or me.

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