Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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Garu re-sheathed his sword and bowed to his sparring partner. His stomach let out a very undignified growl, and he blushed.

"Very well done you two!" Master Chang smiled proudly, "I think we've done enough work today, go have lunch."

Ching ran up to Garu with Abyo in tow. "Come on, I'm starving! I think the Goh-Rong has veggie dumplings!"

When the trio arrived, the whole place seemed more hectic than usual. Dada was at his wit's end trying to bus tables and chivvy the chefs along.

"Thanks for the ingredients!" Dumpling yelled, as he launched them into Ho's wok. Garu nodded, feeling especially proud of what he'd collected.

"Hey guys," Dada puffed, a thin sheen of sweat covering his brow. "We might take a bit longer today, they're trying to catch up to the lunch rush and making a special order at the same time."

"A special order?" Ching gasped, "Are they having a party?"

"Pucca's coming home today!" Linguine yelled as he rushed past, hands full.

Abyo grinned widely, "Oh Garu! Looks like you're gonna have to be ready to run! Better hope you're not out of practice."

Ching smacked his arm and he yelped. "Be nice! It's so exciting that she's coming home, we haven't seen her in ages!"

Garu rolled his eyes, but shivered a little inside. He felt little prickles of nerves, but wasn't quite sure what they meant. Probably pre-annoyance, he'd finally had a chance to get some serious training done and he didn't want anything to break his stride.

"What time?!" Ching yelled to the chefs, bouncing up and down. "Is she coming from the station?! I want to meet her as soon as she steps foot into Sooga!"

Dada came with their serving of dumplings. "The message she sent just said afternoon. Enjoy!"

Abyo placed an entire dumpling in his mouth. "Mmf Su mmft hf."

Ching and Garu just stared at him and he swallowed. "I said: Master Soo must have finally given her a break."

Garu shrugged, eating his food at a much more reasonable rate. Ching and Abyo made big plans about what they were going to do when their friend arrived. So many new things had happened since Pucca had left!

They had just finished their food and were about to leave when the doors to the restaurant opened as if pushed by a strong wind. A cloud floated in purposefully with a girl sitting in lotus position on top. It glided down to the floor and she dismounted gracefully.

"Pucca!" The chefs cried, running in to embrace her. She disappeared under their combined greeting, and reappeared laughing. Ching barely gave her a moment to recover, "I missed you soooo much!" She cried, bowling the new arrival over.

Garu stared. She had definitely grown up since the last time he'd seen her. She was still wearing the pale pink uniform that all of Master Soo's acolytes wore. Her hair hadn't changed, although it was sagging a bit from having been knocked about by all her well wishers. She turned to him and he flinched instinctively, but all she did was bow respectfully. He did likewise and her attention was drawn back to her uncles.

Abyo was practically hopping up and down. "Got any cool new magic?! Show us something!"

"I'm sure Pucca wants to rest after her journey," Uncle Ho started but she smiled at him and shook her head.

She moved to the center of the group and took in a deep, controlled breath. Concentrating, she picked up a napkin and gently covered it with her hands. When she reopened them, a small bird popped out, it sang sweetly and circled her a few times before sailing out the window and into the blue sky.

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