Sweetly Does It

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it was a cold and rainy evening in Ponyville, most ponies were inside their homes sheltering from the freezing rain, but one pony was trotting a route she had trotted many times before

the freezing shower of water was soaking through her rainbow-coloured mane as her hooves squelched the cold mud beneath her

soon later she arrived at her destination with regret and fear in her heart, but she knew what she had to do

"h-hey Pinks! today's finally the day!" the sky blue colored pegasus exclaimed with a reassuring smile on her face "the day i move back to Cloudsdale and leave this place behind me! there's been some awesome memories here with you and the others! and some not so awesome ones.." Rainbow Dash sighed

"listen..i know you'll miss me Pinkie..a-and i'll miss you too! but what i'm doing is for the best of me! my parents are in Cloudsdale and i could really use their help right now, i can barely afford an apartment here in Ponyville!" Rainbow Dash started poking her wet hoof at the dirt she sat in as she discussed with the mare she loves

she sighed as the rain continued to shower upon her and her surroundings, the silence around her was almost deafening as she struggled to think of words to say "u-uhh...i-i love you so much, Pinkie Pie, i really do!" Rainbow managed to say as she felt a similar empty feeling she had felt for almost 2 years

"ever since we met you've been able to cheer me up no matter how sad i was! i felt something for you as soon as i saw you, something i've never felt for any other mare before!" Rainbow started to choke on her words as she began to break down

"i...i love you Pinkie.." Rainbow whimpered as tears fell from her eyes, the warmth of her tears burned compared to the arctic cold of the falling rain "i could n-never love another mare like i l-love you..! and i know you feel the same.."

Rainbow Dash felt a hoof lift up her chin with reassurance as she looked up towards a sight which made her feel so much happier "please don't cry, Dashie" Pinkie Pie said to Rainbow with an understanding but sad smile on her face

Pinkie held Rainbows hooves in hers as she also began to form tears in her eyes "i understand this is for the better of you, it's great to see your doing better! i'm so happy for you!" Pinkie exclaimed with a giggle that Rainbow always loves to hear "thanks, Pinkie" the now slightly cheered up pegasus said

they both sat with each other for what seemed like hours until Rainbow Dash was finally able to push the words through her throat "i-i dont get it...why did you do it, Pinkie?! w-why did you.." the blue pegasus asked the pink earth pony with a slight angry tone in her voice, Pinkie was shocked to hear her "Rainbow...y-you know i was struggling both financially and mentally! it was just too much to take and even though i had you with me i couldn't bare it anymo-" Pinkie was cut off by Rainbows quivering lips pressing against hers, she slowly pulled away and sighed "i know Pinkie...i know..i just needed to hear it from you.."

"i love you Rainbow Dash" Pinkie whispered as she moved closer to the soaking wet mare in front of her, their lips embracing in a warm kiss which seemed to cast all the cold rain away from them, they pulled away panting and giggling

"i love you too, Pinkie Pie" Rainbow Dash whimpered as Pinkie began to fade away, leaving the sky blue mare by herself in the rain "i-i...love you..too" she sighed as she broke down into tears

she got up from the cold mud and turned away so she could walk back to Ponyville before she left to Cloudsdale, those last words still echoing through her mind

she turned her head as she trotted, managing to get one last look at the cold stone grave which read "here lays Pinkamena Diane Pie, the element of laughter, and a beloved friend to everypony"

The End

Sweetly Does It (A Pinkiedash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now