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A/N: ThisbookhasbeeninspiredbymanybooksIhaveread. Ireallyhopeyouenjoythisbookasmuchas Ienjoywritingit. Ittookmeaboutanhourofsearchingandaskingrandompeopletogetthesenamesinthebooksodon'taskwheretheycamefrom. Iwillexplainhowtopronouncethemlateron. Toodaloo (lol)


Adelynn is a 17 year old girl living in California; a place many people would love to live in. When she was little, she had her little group consisting of Charitty and Kade, her best friends. Everyday they would come home and have 'play dates' and color pictures in their secret treehouse. One day, something rips them apart.

Kade suddenly turns into the player of all players, toying with all of the girls in Adelynn's school. But why? Nobody knows. Only Kade knows. Something went terribly wrong, changing Kade, Charitty, and Adelynn's friendship forever.

What's the truth behind this horrible player?
A/N: Iwillpublishchapteronelatertodayortomorrow, butnopromises. Enjoy :)

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