Chapter 12: Homecomming Game

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Chapter 12:

It was the end of first half. We were loosening 7 to 6. "Ok, we are doing the Diamond. Rose, get yourself free and ketch the ball. We are close to their goal, so just run." Ty instructed. "Break!"

Lining up, I was right in front in Tim, from the fun game on Sunday. "Oh, your going down." He gritted, not knowing who I was. "Really Tim, I am positive I pushed you down on Sunday too." I said batting my eyes. "Rose? Your on the football team?" He asked dumbfounded. "No, I always just pad up with this gear and run on the field, acting like I'm one of the captains." I bantered.

"Forty two, Diamond. Hike." Mark yelled. I slammed against Tim, knocking him over in seconds. Sprinting full blast I ran past all the guys and caught the ball gracefully inside in the goal. "Roslyn, you know my rules of you playing football." A deep voice scolded from the sidelines.

"Touchdown!" Everyone else screamed running to me. The team was congratulating me, but I said nothing.

My feet melted into the field. I was staring at the gruff man. He had black eyes that could burn a howl into anything, and reddish brown hair. The men slithered towards the fence, not once breaking the eye contact.

In the distance I could hear Mat from the side lines yelling to what's going on. After a few seconds of me not answering he must have turned and saw the loathsome man staring at me. Then I herd him screaming for Tyler to take me off the field. I didn't do anything, I stood there staring at him. His years in prison most have made him show his evil side, this wasn't the dad I knew all those years, this was the dad from that night.

"Timeout!" Coach called. I still didn't move. I herd everything going on but it was in a whisper. All I could look at was the man that destroyed my life. "Rose, what's going on?" Coach asked running towards me. I didn't make a move to even talked, I just stared. "Is that him?" Tyler asked from my side. Still unable to talk I nodded my head. "Ok York, get her off this field. In 1 minute is halftime. Bring her to the girls locker room. We'll do the field goal and I'll be right there."

With that order, Ty grabbed my arm pulling me from my spot. Once we got off the field the guys surrounded us. "Go. play." I ordered. They all stopped seeing the anger in my voice and went to coach. "Mat, come with us." Ty ordered. I pulled out of Tyler's grip and ran into the school. I ran and ran till I was in the girls locker room. The two boys followed me in. In the showers I striped off the pants and put on leggings. Took off the gear and just put my jersey back on.

I went to the mirror and took my hair down. The waves cascaded down my back. The whole time the two boys just watched me, knowing I was going to snap at any moment. I turned and looked at them. Without realizing my legs gave out on me, crashing me to the floor.

Tears pored from my eyes. Not sad tears or scared, but they were angry tears. Mat ran to me picking me up with ease. "Tyler, lets bring her to the hall. The cheerleaders will be in here in a second to change into half time clothes." As he said that the girls walked in. I berried my face in Mats chess.

"Oh, well why are you two in here?" Stacy asked flirting. "Grr... Stac..." Mat went to freak but Ty stopped him. "Mat worry about Rose." He instructed. With that he walked us out of the locker room and placing me on his lap as he sat on the floor. "Mat, Rose they are going to need you for homecoming court." Coach said walking to us. I whipped my eyes.

"Why?! Why can't he just stay out of my life?!" I screamed tears still poring from my face. "Rose, look at me, he won't do anything. No one will let him near you. Go out there receive your crown and show him you don't care. He knows how he can get to you. Show him he can't. I'm not going to have you play the rest of the game, your not mentally safe for that, but you need to go out their and show you are part of homecoming court." Coach ordered. "Yes, sir." I said getting off of Mats lap. "Good, know go wash your face they are waiting another ten minutes before they announce you."

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