It's Complicated

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Her name is Aris. We met on the first day of high school.

I slammed my hand down on my alarm to shut it up, "Ugh, fuck school!" I slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a relaxing shower, then got dressed. Unfortunately, today is my first day of Freshman year. Nothing like getting up at five in the morning five days a week ten months a year. I cooked myself an egg and some bacon. I checked the time and had five minutes left, "Sissy, let's go!" I saw my 17 year old sister come running down the hall with no pants on, "I can't find my leggings!" I groaned and gave her a pair of mine. It's six in the morning, dark and a little chilly. Best time to walk. We finally got to school and I found all my friends from last year. I was angry because gym is my first hour. The five minute warning bell rang and everyone went off to there class. I slowly went to the gym and sat by myself. None of my friends had gym with me. I looked around and saw three girls that I thought I could make friends with. I wasn't sure how I was gonna do it, but we were all gonna become really close.

Second hour went fine because I had a couple friends with me. I saw one of the girls from first hour in my third hour. I was walking to fourth hour when that girl came walking up behind me, "What room you going to?" I looked at my schedule, then to her, "131, What about you?" "Same!" She was smiling, so I smiled back. We walked in together and sat next to each other, "I'm Hadleigh." I was surprised she talked to me, "Hi, I'm Allyson." She smiled and the the teacher walked in. He gave us ten minutes at the end of class to talk. "So, I saw you in first hour today," She looked at me, "And I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" I nodded my head, "I'd love to." We told each other our schedule and turns out we have first, third, fourth, and lunch together. We walked to our next class together and decided to meet up to walk to lunch. Turns out one of the other girls from first hour has our lunch. Hadleigh and I walked over to her, "This is Aris." She pointed to her, "This is Allyson." She pointed to me. We both waved and said hi. I couldn't help but blush a little. She's so gorgeous. "Your name is really pretty, by the way." She smiled, "Thanks."

The rest of the day went by pretty quick. I only got one sheet of homework, math. I made like five new friends. Also, I didn't get in trouble. It was a fairly good day. When I got home, I ate a snack, did my homework and took a nap.

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