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"Yo Marinette, you'll never guess what," Alya spun Marinette's office chair around.
"What?" Marinette looked up from her sketchbook.
"Someone asked to see Ladybug," Alya got up and walked over to Marinette. "You'll never guess who, too."
"Oh?!" Marinette moves over to let her friend sit next to her. "Adrien?"
"No, girl. Luka!"
Marinette choked. "Why on earth would he want to talk to Ladybug?" Her heart pounded at the thought.
"I have no clue. I hope he knows I have no way to contact her..." Alya sighed and returned to the office chair.

At Lukas house

Luka paced around his room, eager for Ladybug to come. He stopped in his tracks once he saw the flash of red outside.
It knocked on his window.
Luka quickly opened the window, and let Ladybug through.
"You called?" She took a few gasps of air.
"Hey, are you ok? Do u need a glass of water or something?" Luka closed his window.
"Oh no, I'm ok, just need to catch my breath."
Luka sat on his bed and started playing his guitar.
It was a sweet melody, even though it was still unfinished. He let himself get swarmed up in his own song.
A couple minutes passed and Luka found Ladybug sitting on the ground humming along.
"So, I called you because I kinda need your help," Luka put his guitar down.
"Oh! With what?" Ladybug looked at Luka with her light blue eyes.
"I need your advice..," Luka started to feel his cheeks warming. "...To ask someone out."
He could've sworn that Ladybug's eyes darkened for a second, but he thought better of it.
"...and what makes you think I could help?"
"Well, you and Cat No—."
"Woah, woah. Me and Cat Noir are not dating!"
"Wait really?! I..." Luka ran out of things to say.
"Yeah...despite the rumors were not dating. I used to get pretty upset, but the I eventually let it go. Now me and Cat Noir just joke about it, especially since he has a girlfriend," Ladybug chuckled.
"Oo! Whose the lucky lady?"
"No clue! He won't tell me, and I won't ask....So what would u like help on?" Ladybug smirked.
"I want to ask one of my friends out..." Luka sighed. "She's the most amazing, kind, beautiful, and talented person I know. And I want to ask her out so bad, and to be able to hug and comfort her. But I can't ever get myself to ask her out."
"Well...ask her out then....which is a lot easier said then done. But! I can assure you, if you never ask her out you'll just feel worse." Ladybug rolled herself into a ball.
   Luka pat Ladybugs head, "How do you suggest I do that?"
   "Uhhh," she looked up into Lukas eyes. "Find a nice place and ask her? I don't know, I'm not an expertist."
   Luka sat down next to ladybug, "Wow that helps a lot thanks!"
   "Yeah no problem," she rested her head on Lukas shoulder. He fought the urge to push her off. "If you don't mind, could you play another song?"
   "Yeah of course not," Luka pulled over his guitar and started playing. 

          A few minutes passed by.

   "Your really good at playing guitar," Ladybug stood up. "And as much as I would like to stay, I need to get going."
   "Oh, yeah that makes sense," Luka walked over to his window and opened it. "Here you go."
   Ladybug started to climb out, "Oh yeah, by the way who is this special someone?"
    Ladybug choked. Her face now looked like a tomato. She tried to finish leaving, but tripped and fell into the water below.

   Hello there, author here. :))
   I hoped you like today's chapter. I solely made this for fun, so I may post ten chapters in two days, and then not post for another year. It's kinda up to what I feel like lol.
   If you have any amazing ideas for a story feel free to tell me, because you never know it could be really interesting. :))
   Anywho, have a nice day.

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