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''Wow just wow'' Tianna said, ''Normally people return from a holiday from a foreign country with souvenir and gifts and what did you return with a pregnant belly and is that a rock I see'' She squealed throwing her arms around her best friend. ''I missed you''

''You should know that I'm far from normal and I missed you too'' Desiree replied hugging her. ''And yes, it's a diamond rock, we're getting married''.

''You better take care of my sister'' Tiana said, ''When's the wedding?''

''I want to get married before the baby's born'' Desiree replied, ''How about in 3 Months?'' She asked Kaito.

''Whatever you want Kkoch'' He said kissing her on the head.

When they returned home, they made a doctor's appointment and found out that Desiree is 1 month pregnant, they even bought a mini mansion. It had 3 bedroom including a guest bedroom and a nursey, 3 bathroom 1 large kitchen dining and a spacious living room, and an indoor basement gym. Since Desiree didn't want anything too big.

''It's not gonna be a big wedding though, you know I don't know nobody, some of Kaito friends will be attending'' Desiree said

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''It's not gonna be a big wedding though, you know I don't know nobody, some of Kaito friends will be attending'' Desiree said.

'' Let me handle the wedding preparation Tia replied, smiling.

Tia majored in event planning, so Desiree knew her wedding will be in good hands.

''Okay since you're so excited go awf make me proud mami'' Desiree said.

''Have young guys come up with baby names?'' Tia asked.

Desiree shakes her head ''Nope''.

''I was thinking Zahla Mi-hi Moriyama'' Kaito blurted out.

''Mi-hi'' Tiana questioned,

''It means beautiful joy,'' Kaito replied smiling while rubbing Desiree belly.

''I like Zahla its unique.'' Tia replied.

''What if she's a boy?'' Desiree asked.

He stiffened in his seat, of course Kaito thought, even though he really wanted a daughter, he hoped she'd look like Desiree. He want a daughter to spoil her, she'd defiantly be a daddy's girl. He daydreamed. Now I need to find male names he thought.

''You've been searching for baby names?'' Desiree asked teasingly.

His cheek got red and he walked out of the room, leaving the two to have their time, going to the computer to google baby boy names.

''So how are you really?'' Tia asked.

''I'm surviving, I started therapy, at the start I didn't want this'' she pointed at her belly.

''But I guess It would make Kaito happy I know he didn't grow up in a loving household, same goes for me, so really wanna try to make this work'' Desiree explained.

''But does it make you happy though?'' Tia questioned.

Desiree smiled and nodded, ''When he's happy, I'm happy when he smiles, I smile, I want us to try as a family.''

''That's all I wanted to hear, once you're happy then I'm good I love you okay'' Tiana said, hugging her friend. Who'd have thought Desiree would be getting married she thought, with a baby on the way too life is strange, she felt happy for her best friend she deserve happiness, after all she's been through, she deserve this.

''Okay I gotta go I have a whole wedding to plan'' Tiana said, saying her goodbyes, then she left.





3 Months Later

''Do you Kaito Moriyama take Desiree Huley as your lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and cherish until death do you part?"

''I do''

'' 'Do you Desiree Huley take Kaito Moriyama as your lawful husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and cherish until death do you part?''

''I do''

The two then exchanged rings, ''You may kiss the bride''

She drew him toward her with her eyes, he inclined his face toward hers and lay his mouth on her mouth, His lips brush hers, she place her hand on his cheek and returned the kiss he sucked on her lips, as he was about to slip his tongue inside. Someone cleared their throat.

''Dammit Tia'' He mumbled lowly.

After the ceremony they had reception, where Tia, Mauri and Kaito's friend gave their speech Jang. Kaito rubbed his hand across Desiree's leg. She gained a few pounds, due to her pregnancy and he loved it. He lift her dress up and began rubbing his index finger on her panties, her panties started to get moist. She gripped onto his arm, spreading her legs wider for him. Her pregnancy made her hormones all over the place she wanted dick 24/7.

When he shifted her panties to the side and thrust his long slender fingers inside her warm wet hole, she moaned lowly and gripped tighter onto his arm, he leaned down and place an innocent kiss on her neck.

He thrust his finger in and out of her pussy, his fingers were dripping wet at this point his dick twitched in his pants he could feel his dick getting hard. He wanted to throw her on the table and rearrange ger guts right now. He refrained himself, only a few more minutes then we'll be on a plane to Bora Bora. 2 whole months on a honeymoon he grinned to himself. As he continued thrusting inside Desiree's hole, she sink her nails into his arm tightly, he knew she was close. He used his thumb to rub her clit he's been ignoring, he knew she would come immediately this is her sensitive spot, he began rubbing her swollen clit and curved his index fingers inside her searching for her g-spot she let out a whimper, thank god for the music. There he thought he began thrusting at the same spot, over and over again until she exploded on his finger. He licked her juices off his finger and smirked at her.

''Dejavu'' He said, winking at her.

''Shut up Kai'' she said smiling, as she looked away.

They left for the airplane after saying her goodbyes to her friends.

''You ready Mrs Moriyama?'' Kaito asked.

''Yes Mr Moriyama?'' She replied winking at him.

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