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2 Years Later

''Mi-hi please calm down, Papa will be home soon baby'' Desiree tried to calm down her 2-year-old daughter.

''PAPA PAPA PAPA!'' Mi-hi screamed.

Desiree exhaled and sat down, she started crying, she didn't know what to do she tried everything but Mi-hi was throwing her tantrum. With her hormones all over the place, and with her being 5 months pregnant this was too much for her. Where are you Kaito? she thought. She checked her phone once more, not seeing any miss calls. She sent him like 20 messages she tried to call him 10 times, but they all rang to voicemail.

Mi-hi was on the floor thrashing around, whenever she was throwing a tantrum, she always threw herself on the floor and start crying. The spilt milk was on the floor she tried giving her, but she threw it away. Desiree wiped the tears from her eyes and attempted to pick Mi-hi off the floor, but she started screamed loudly and continued thrashing around.

Desiree left her there on the floor throwing her tantrum, watching her closely so she doesn't hurt herself after 20 minutes of ear-splitting screams and tears she finally stopped, she was asleep. Desiree sighed and pick her up and bring her to her room, putting her in her crib.

Desiree place the baby monitor on the nightstand near Mi-hi and left the room. She started searching for her secret stash. She never smoked when she was pregnant before, but she was stressed the fuck out. She pulled out her blunt, convincing herself it's just a herb it's nothing bad. She went to the balcony, so the smell wouldn't be in the house

She lit the blunt and put it on her lips taking a small puff. After a few more puff she felt calm. She checked her phone. ''It's 2 am now'' She mumbled, ''He's supposed to be home since 11 pm''

She got tired of waiting and went to bed. The next morning, she woke up she heard the shower running. ''I trust him,'' she whispers to herself.

Kaito came into the room with the towel hanging dangerously low exposing his v line.

''Morning baby'' He said, kissing her on the cheek.

She stared at him, ''Where the fuck were you last night?''

''I had work I'm sorry lost track of time, I broke my phone, so I had to get a new one'' He apologizes.

''YOU LOST TRACK OF FUCKING TIME YOU HAVE A WHOLE KID AND A WIFE WHO'S FUCKING PREGNANT AT HOME AND THAT'S YOUR FUCKING EXCUSE!'' She shouted, throwing the sheet off the bed, marching to the bathroom. She slammed the door and began brushing her teeth harshly, she felt her gum bleeding, but she didn't care. She washed out her mouth and looked in the mirror.

''You really thought you could have a happy family huh''

''SHUT THE FUCK UP'' Desiree screamed.

''Why should I hahaha''

Desiree got angry and punched the mirror, causing her hand to start bleeding, the loud crash made Kaito starts knocking on the door.

''Desiree are you okay open the door please Kkoch, are you okay? Please just open the door I'm sorry'' He apologizes.

She looked at his white shirt in the laundry basket seeing a red mark on his shirt. Is that lipstick, she thought, taking the shirt up she rubbed at the spot. She snapped, part of her knew it wasn't a lipstick stain but the deranged part of her didn't believe it. She took up a sharp object from the bathroom and opened the door walking into the room she threw the shirt in Kaito's face. ''What the fuck is that?'' She asked angrily, with the knife in her hand.

Kaito hissed his teeth and exhaled, ''Listen to me okay it's not what it looks like'' He tried to explain.

''WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?'' She asked once more.

''Desiree it's just blood okay, I had to deal with some guys, nothing serious'' He replied.

''Put the knife down Desiree, please put the knife down okay'' He said to her.

She was breathing heavily. ''Papa'' he heard the voice of his sweet Mi-hi. He never wanted Mi-hi to see this side of Desiree, nor the dark side of him.

''Go back to bed Mi-hi'' He said, ''Papa will be there okay'' He said.

Mi-hi looked at him sadly, ''Mama'' She said turning towards Desiree, ''Hungry'' She said.

''Go to your room baby girl'' Kaito said. He should have checked on her, she tends to climb out of her crib.

Mi-hi left the room, and Kaito exhaled. ''Listen Desi you know I would never fucking cheat on you you're my fucking world, you and Mi-hi and my baby in your belly you're my family, why would I throw that away'' He tried to reason with her.

''He's right Kaito loved us'' She mumbled lowly, ''He would never cheat on us'' She mumbled and dropped the knife.

Kaito embrace her in his arms, she's relapsing he thought, she's talking to them again. He held her gently in his arms. He picked up the syringe from the nightstand and inject it into her arm. This will keep her out for a few hours. He thought. He got his friend who was a doctor give him the syringe, with her medicine, luckily it doesn't cause the babies harm or Desiree, the only side effect it makes her sleep and eats a lot. He cleaned up her bleeding hand and bandages it then tucked her into bed and place a kiss on her forehead.

He went downstairs to his office, and closed the door.''I think it's time you place her into the Institute Kaito'' a voice said, his friend Kira.

''She's my fucking wife Kira I won't put her in a fucking institute she belongs here with her family, how the fuck did you get in here anyway'' He asked.

''It wasn't hard, you need new locks'' she said running her hand on his arm. He threw her hand off him.

''You forgot this?'' She said, handing him a file. ''Bye Kaito''

He went to Mi-hi's room seeing her laying on her tummy looking at her picture book. He lifted her up in the air and hugged her.

''Papa Papa''' she replied giggling as he blew on her tummy making noises.

''Baby hungry?'' he asked.

She nodded, ''Let's get my baby something to eat.''

''Mama?'' she asked.

''Mama is tired baby, mama is asleep'' Kaito replied.

After a few hours Desiree woke up and went downstairs seeing Kaito and Mi-hi fast asleep on the couch, Mi-hi laid all curled up on Kaito's chest. She smiled and pulled a blanket over the two of them. She felt happy.

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