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When the sun was mere seconds to dissolving into twilight, they reached the Diamond. And it was the most terrifyingly big structure she'd ever seen.

It was big enough to hold every animal in Ravanyn, they said. Well, they might very well be right...had it none been for the fact that it was just the height of a dragon. Tessa knew that it could either fit every single animal in Ravanyn except dragons, or the other way around. But it wasn't just the height that scared Tessa. Everything about the Diamond made her shiver, from the humidity around it to the dark red stone the whole asylum was made of.

The green dragon had opened the huge gate and allowed them to slide down his back. Then, he blew fire on a torch, settled it on a wall, and locked the door.

"Hey," Tessa yelled. "HEY!"

"Where do you think you're going!" Rhian yelled.

Efren said, "It's no use. I don't know exactly how Targeyna dragon customs work, but it's probably an understatement to say we're being held hostage."

"Has she ever done this to you?"

"Once," Matteo said, bitterly "Just not here."

Must have been horrible, then.

They each surveyed the entire building, and found nothing but a few nests and pillows. For dragon hatchlings, they presumed.

They settled on having a nest of their own (except for Efren, who found such things uncomfortable that he took three pillows and lay down on the ground instead), but in the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping, Tessa felt a wing cover her own body.

Can you hear me, Tessa? Rhian asked in his mind. Whispering will probably echo in here, so I thought it might be best to-

Tessa sighed. She connected his mind to hers as she spoke, Is there something wrong, Rhian?

Aren't you going to ask me what High Lady Jacintha meant when she said...that...that I-

That you love me? Tessa sighed again. I trust you, Rhian. You'll tell me in your own time.

I appreciate that, but she also said-

That the feeling between us is mutual. Listen...I'm still trying to figure out what exactly it is I feel. Am feeling. I told you that I've never been with anyone this way. I hope you'll understand how I feel-

Rhian turned to face her and kissed her beak fiercely. I love you, Thessalyne Aschere. You don't have to say it back now. Just know that I will be there for you, no matter what.

Tessa smiled, and whispered aloud, "Thank you,"

~ ~ ~

They woke up the next morning, still in the dark chambers of the Diamond. Rhian went back to his own nest in the middle of the night, so Tessa found the space beside her to be empty.

She rose, and found the three males staring at her. "What?" Tessa demanded.

"Must you really proceed with the...with the plan?" Matteo asked.

"Unless you have a better idea," Tessa challenged, "then yes."

"Again," Efren said. "We could just shadowpath our way to Uiscelle-"

"And have those three little creatures stuck with the dragons? No way."

"They are of no use to you-"

"Jacintha will use them as leverage. She will try to convince Gael that I'm not worth serving because I left them in her power. Who would want a ruler who just leaves her citizens behind?"

No one answered. Tessa stood up straight. "We're good, then. Let's call on Jacintha."

And at that very moment, both blue and green dragons came and open the door of the Diamond. In between them, came Jacintha.

"Have you decided on my offer, Your Majesty?" She smiled.

Tessa returned it. "I have decided to accept it."

"Wonderful," the dragon crooned. She cocked her head and the blue dragon brought the three animals. This time, out of the cage and in chains.

Perfect, Tessa thought. She linked her mind to Efren as she asked him, Ready?

She looked at him, and he nodded. Ready.

This was it then. She thought. Forfeiting the alliance of the dragons was suicide, but at least she had the horses and birds to make up for it.

Tessa sighed, one last time, and instead of plunging her claws into their hearts, she used them to slash their chains.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, she said the very words to the three animals, the only words that could change their destiny forever. "RUN! RUN AND HIDE!

The three of them obeyed without hesitstion, and as Jacintha yelled, "Treachery!" Tessa and her horde of missionaries ran outside, as fast as they could.

They were smaller and more nimble, but the dragons were bigger. They covered more air space. Tessa knew this was going to happen, so she whispered into Efren's mind. Now.

The lord of the wolves, an almighty alpha, had whimpered when he heard her order. But he did it anyway.

He grabbed Matteo's claw, and stepped under Jacintha's shadow and vanished.

Leaving Tessa and Rhian to fend for herself.

"What just happened?" Rhian demanded under his breath.

"I told Efren that if we were ever surrounded, he should take Matteo and shadowpath to Uiscelle." She replied.

"Where did those two male fools go?!" Jacintha roared.

"Let's just say that as Queen," Tessa smirked. "I have the right to order those under my rule to leave in case of a threat."

"I'm flattered you think so, darling. But flattery will only get you so far. You think I'll withstand your insult? I offered you everything."

"You offered me your alliance," Tessa retorted. "Something I don't need."

"You'll regret that move, phoenix. The side without the dragons support is always the losing side."

"We'll see about that," Tessa said, as ice and wind erupted from her breath.

The two dragons at the High Lady's side were blown away, but Jacintha herself was steady as she blew back fire.

The dragon queen was strong, Tessa thought. She had to give her that. But not strong enough to defeat The All.

Tessa willed herself to morph bigger, bigger than she did the first time The All settled in her body. Her wings changed. No longer feathered and majestic, but bat-like and intimidating. Her feathery head and limbs then morphed into scales, and her purple eyes were now reptilian slits.

The ice grew stronger, now, and slowly, Jacintha's fire rescinded back. Tessa's ice dragon form had scared her, and now she was as weak as those slaves she sought to get killed.

Tessa smiled as she stopped breathing the ice. "Still think I need your alliance?" then grabbed Rhian and shadowpath travelled on their own.

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