Payback Babey

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Logan was absolutely livid. To think Roman would even consider doing such a thing to him! Let alone following through! It was disgusting! Humiliating! And Logan needed to get him back for it.

The shrinking formula was easy enough to make, he even created another formula to reverse its effects so the first could be left without a natural limit. The next step was to get Roman to drink it. Logan doubted Roman would trust any drink he gave him after that stunt, so Logan recruited Patton. Patton had no idea what Roman did to Logan or what the tea he'd been told to give Roman would do to him. As far as he knew, this was similar payback for an embarrassing prank, but he was glad to help his pals with their fun.

Patton entered Roman's room after knocking. The creative side had holed himself up in there, frustrated by a block he was experiencing.

"Knock knock!" Patton said, knocking on the door frame. He walked over to the desk Roman was sat at, staring blankly at an empty page and pen, and set down the teacup. "You've been up here a while, Kiddo. Thought you might need some refreshments."

Roman looked at the teacup and nodded, thanking Patton and waving him out of the room. Patton left without a fuss, closing the door before sending Logan, who stood outside waiting, a thumbs up and going on his merry way.

Logan remained outside Roman's door, waiting for a sign that he had drunk the formula. When Roman shouted in surprise, Logan took that as his queue. He swiftly entered and locked the door behind him as well as turning the walls soundproof as an extra measure. He did not want to be interrupted.

Roman had shrunk down to the size of a grapefruit curled up and stood on his chair. He hadn't heard Logan come in or lock the door, but when he took a step towards him, he turned to face the now gigantic side. His face morphed from shock to anger.

"You!," he shouted, "you did this to me!"

Logan simply stepped closer, now close enough to grab the prince.

"How astute of you to notice."

He reached down and grabbed at the shrunken side. Roman attempted to dodge the hand but wasn't fast enough. He struggled in the tight grip of Logan's fist, but the fingers around him did not budge.

"Put me down, you heathen!"

Logan raised an eyebrow, frustration beginning to betray his calm demeanor.

"Oh, I'm the heathen?", he growled, taking a seat at Roman's now abandoned desk. "It surely must be the case! It's not as though someone else shrunk me before, or swallowed me whole without a thought about how I might react! Of course, I'm the monster here!"

Roman paled at Logan's tone, struggling faster at his words.

"I- I'm sorry! I truly am! I only did it out of curiosity—", Roman yelped as logan shifted his grip, now holding him up by the back of his shirt. Logan held him in front of his face, mouth relaxed and hanging slightly agape.

"Oh, I'm sure you're sorry that you have to see the consequences of your actions," he said, tone once again cool and collected. He swung the prince slightly before his open mouth, drool beginning to drip. Roman shivered at the sight.

"Please, I beg of you—"

"Don't beg. You already know what's going to happen."

Roman whimpered and continued to kick and thrash in Logan's grip. The giant only held him by his shirt, maybe his grip was loose enough to escape from? Roman was not given long to entertain this thought as his head was unceremoniously shoved into the other's mouth.

Logan began licking the prince to slicken him up and found, to his great surprise, that he had a rather pleasant taste. Salty with a hint of savory-ness, it would pair well with something sweet. That gave him an idea.

The Shrink Fic: Logince Edition Unofficial ContinuationWhere stories live. Discover now