Cнα⅊тɛʀ 4 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I was relieved when I kept my promise to Elijah and arrived at the office on time. Due to the fact that it was six in the morning, the reception area was nearly empty. Subtle rays of yellow infiltrated the space and cleaners worked efficiently as early-bird workers passed by everyone. Strong scents of coffee and recently printed paper mixed in the air whilst I aimed for the elevators.

Pressing the lift button for the eighth floor I rallied myself for the dreaded upcoming work I'd be forced to do today. I crossed my fingers hoping that Elijah wouldn't be in again and that I'd get to spend some more time with Elian.

Almost a step away from my office, Naomi informed me that Elijah was in and wanted to see me, I prayed to whichever God was out there that I wouldn't be in any trouble and yet it seemed the devil was plotting my demise. Gently knocking on his door, I heard Elijah give me permission to enter. He was standing at the window overlooking the bustling city of New York with a stoic expression plastered on his face. 'What I would give to know what he was thinking about right now', I thought.

Elijah wore a crisp white button up shirt, tightly pressed along his muscles and abs, tempting me to run my hand over the indents and bulging mountains as if I was a world-wide explorer.

A silk black blazer suit hugged his broad form and matching to it were tailored black suit pants which gave way to imagination of what lay underneath along with polished leather black shoes. A loose tie hung around his neck, my mind flashing with erotic scenarios which would cause the devil to blush.

That tie was sinful.

Like a raven perched on a tree branch, he was watching over his terrain and those stormy eyes flashed in my direction, my breath hitching in my throat. Elijah had this calculating, dangerous aura that surrounded him with a black cloak of smoke. As alluring as it was, I viewed him with caution.

"Miss Jones, you are five minutes late. I expect punctuality", he demanded. 'Is he out of his mind?' I glared at him with insultive thoughts. I wanted to exasperate in frustration, but I battled to resist doing so because, in a way, he was right I should have been showing up on time, but it was six in the morning, I was trying.

"Are you just going to stand there all day? Take a seat already", he ordered with a chilling tone. I immediately obeyed and sat down in one of the sofa's, my back rigidly straight and eyes following his every move.

He hadn't spared me a glance, not even once, as he sat in his chair and began to survey the papers on his desk. 'Why is he not saying anything?' I questioned with curiosity as he took his time, letting the silence engulf us in discomfort. After a while, he looked up at me and I was sure I caught a glimpse of danger in his eyes.

"Miss Jones, can you bring me a cup of coffee from the canteen?" The boss asked me, and I instantly agreed, quickly escaping the room that was suffocating me. The canteen was on the ground floor so to save time I took the elevator, for once appreciating the melody playing through the speakers as it distracted me from my thoughts of Elijah. Heading through the tables and chairs I walked up to the counter where a man was bustling around preparing for orders.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now