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Some people have genuine trouble expressing positive emotions, because it doesn't last long for them. Their happiness is short-lived, and because they are so used to suppressing their positive emotions, the gradually start suppressing their negative emotions as well, and they become emotionally constipated. They seal every crack through which their emotions can seep, but once it starts leaking, it doesn't stop for a long time.

These kind of people need patience and support. Don't chide them for showing any kind of emotion, negative nor positive. Let them express. They need to learn how to continuously express their emotions, all over again. If someone acts happier than usual, make sure they are not faking it, don't ask if they are okay. In a jovial sense, this is okay, but don't get too surprised if they show more happiness than usual. If they are sad, give them time, and try to calm them down slowly, bit by bit. Don't chide them for being so emotional. If they are angry, try to understand the tipping factor and slowly backtrack, but don't scream at them. 

I know, doing this is hard, but emotional constipation is as dangerous as actual constipation. These kind of people need all the help they can get. Please bear with us.

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