37: After effects

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After cutting off the call, you heaved a loud sigh. "Oh my." You whispered but it was still enough for Taehyung to hear it.

He craned his neck towards to you and closer so he could see your face and the expression you bore. "Noona, what happened?" His hand coming to close to your face and you flinched. "Your lips were bleeding. You should clean and disinfect it." He said and you touched your lips but retracted back as soon as a sting emerged. Must be from when I fell to the floor. How embarrassing was that!

"We have to go to hospital. Nari's in labour. Apparently she's delivering before her due date but let's wish that everything will be fine. Let's go, we need to be there for her and Jimin." You smiled, a sudden feeling of happiness coming to you.

Taehyung squeezed your hand reassuringly, the same smile coming to his face as well and started driving before waiting for another second.

As he pulled up to the hospital where Nari was, he quickly got out, followed by you and locked the car. Before you could take another step, you were reminded of your bare feet hitting the hard ground and your legs and arms feeling the chill from cold winter winds.

You shivered and Taehyung noticed immediately. He removed his jacket quickly held it out to you so you could wear it. "Why did you have you wear such a flimsy dress?" His eyebrows were drawn together as if he was frustrated.

"Are you saying it's not good?" You teased, taking the jacket from his hand wearing it. He tutted at you but didn't answer and you rolled your eyes because you didn't get the reaction you wanted.

"Oh god this jacket is so extra. Everyone's going to look at me." You sighed after putting on the overly fancy jacket and straightening it. The shoulders were bigger and dropped down from the your own shoulders making the sleeves go few inches over your fingers. You wrapped them upwards so you wouldn't look like hand-me-down clothes. It didn't help though, it still probably looked oversized.

Taehyung chuckled looking at you in his jacket and thinking how tiny you looked in it even though your height was average. "What are you saying noona? Everyone going to look at you with or without jacket. With that dress and makeup and barefoot and top of that a busted lip? You're surely going to get looks."

You sighed but he had a point. After that you just walked until you could see Jimin pacing around the hallway and all of your other friends sitting on chairs. You wondered why wasn't he with Nari when husbands are allowed to be in delivery room.

Taehyung was worried with you walking around without shoes but he couldn't even give you his shoes because they were way bigger than your size and probably would've tripped over and fall again.

As soon as Jimin acknowledged you coming to him you hugged him so tightly and you felt his embrace just as tight around you. "There's no complications right? Because of her early delivering?" You asked breaking the hug and heard muffled cries of your best friend from the room she was kept in.

The black haired man shook his head and held your shoulders. "No. Her water broke early and they are operating on her now. Everything is normal so far."

You smiled hugging him once again, feeling relief washing over you. "I'm so glad. You're going to be a father and I'm going to be an aunt." Nearly squealing you heard those cries of Nari once again and winced internally. "Why aren't you inside though? I thought you would be allowed."

"I am but I can't even look at her when she's in so much pain. I might even pass out if I'm next to her." He said and you giggled. Jimin was such a soft guy and whatever he said painfully could actually be turned into reality.

"But where are your shoes? And you should really tend to your face." He laughed looking at your feet first and then at your face. Remembering the events that happened more than half an hour ago amused him somehow. He, himself looked fine however and so did your other friends, only having some minor scratches. Probably because they were wearing many layers of clothes that shielded their bodies unlike you.

"I'm never going to forget this night I'm telling you." Jimin's chest rumbled with laughter as he threw his head back and you couldn't stop the bubbling laughter in your own chest. Everyone else seemed to be either smiling or laughing as well.

"I saw your heels flying off in air and that image is not leaving my mind since then." Jin joined, leaning back into his seat and relaxing.

"I never saw Yoongi hyung run that fast. He seemed like a true cat." Hoseok reminded you the scene where Yoongi was running as if his tail was on fire. Now he was just showing his gummy smile looking at the fox hybrid who seemed oblivious of the loving stare on his face.

After half an hour, the delivery was still going on and everyone seemed to be anxious. Yoongi left to buy some shoes for you and Hoseok accompanied him. You knew even though Yoongi never shows much his emotions but his caring personality always slips through.

Namjoon and Jin left to drink some coffee from the hospital cafeteria because they were feeling sleepy. You wanted to go with them as well but you couldn't because of two reasons. You were barefoot so you didn't want to roam around like that and because you didn't want to leave even for a second in the fear of not experiencing that precious moment you've been waiting for. Besides the engaged couple had said they'll bring something for you on their way back.

Jimin was impatiently standing in front of the room and Taehyung had gone somewhere. When he came back, he was holding a few things in his hands.

He sat beside you with a smile and opened a bottle that seemed like a disinfectant and spilled the contents on a cotton swab. "I asked for this from a nurse." He said before proceeding with caution.

Before he could bring it any closer near your mouth you winced away from him, already imagining the stinging pain you were going to feel.

Taehyung laughed at your behavior, retracting the hand holding his cotton swab back. "Come on noona you're not a child."

You scowled at him but the man paid no attention to you as he again brought the cotton ball bearing disinfectant back to your face but you noticed that his smile faltered. You pressed your lips together, trying to hold your cries when the liquid made contact with the corner of your lips and Taehyung stopped.

You saw his adam's apple bob up and down and he made eye contact with you. Something hazy you saw in his eyes as they became darker than they used to be and held a predatory gaze that you've seen only a few times. His ears were pointed straight as he took in every little detail about you.

"Don't make this harder for me." He said huskily as his voice dipped an octave deeper and you internally gasped at the silkiness of his voice.

You didn't react after that because you were too focused on the sudden shift in his personality. Taehyung cleaned your lips, fighting the temptation inside his heart when he felt pillowy softness of them.

After cleaning thoroughly he again looked in your eyes staring back at him when he was going to apply ointment. Looking back at your lips one more time he couldn't fight the desire as his head dipped lower and his lips met yours.

It only took what? 37 chapters for them to kiss? But hey I bet you weren't expecting it.

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