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Camila's P.O.V
I pulled my sleeves up. I had a razor in my hand, my fingers were wound tightly around the blade. I took the blade to my skin, I pulled it across my arm. No blood oozed out, I didn't put any pressure on, my skin was never sliced.

Ally pounded at the door. She said sweetly She ran upstairs, all of us behind her. She went up to the bathroom door. She sweetly said "Camila, honey can you open the door for me. We're all worried about you, can you come out". I didn't respond to her. Ally's voice transformed into a stricter one, she said "Camila open the door or else I will myself. This I your last chance, come out". Once again I didn't say anything.

I didn't want to see Lauren, she knew how nervous I've been about myself and she laughed me.
That hurt a lot. Even in my state I had enough of a brain to pull my sleeves down. I pulled them over my fist after I hid the blade in my makeup bag. I held the end of my shirt in my fist when I heard the lock click. The door was swung open.

All of the girls swam into my vision. All of them wore panicked expressions or in Demi's case a one. I got up and ran. I ran all the way up to my room. I laid down on my bed, covering my entire self with my blankets. I stayed under my covers until Demi came up. I was still teary eyed when she pulled my covers off of me.

She crawled into the bed with me. I looked at her and she said "it's supper time". I told her "I'm not hungry I'll eat later". Demi said "okay sweetheart I'll put some on a plate for you to heat up later. It'll be in the fridge when your hungry". She kissed my forehead and left. Maybe if I was skinner I wouldn't be so embarrassed about my body. Yo that's it. I need to shed a couple pounds. With thoughts of skinny dancing in my head I fell asleep.

When I woke up at 2:39 am, I went to the bathroom. I opened the cupboard then my makeup bag. I pulled out the gleaming weapon. I slid my shirt off. The side of rib cage is the only place I can guarantee that costumes won't show. Bathing suits might be an issue, but I need this. I need this.

I brought the blade to my selected area and ran the sharp cool metal across the side of my chest. The pain felt good. The sight of blood didn't faze me, it egged me on. I sliced again and again until the blood was dripping off my side onto the tile ground. For the first time in my life I cut.

At 2:42 Sunday December the seventh, I woke up.

I woke up. It was all a nightmare. Just a terrible dream. It wasn't real. Tears were falling from my eyes like my eyes were a waterfall in a flood. Demi was by my side, rubbing my back soothingly. I sputtered out "Demi. I I'm s sss soorry . Don't le let the them bbbee mad, please". Demi shushed me. She laid in my bed next to me for the second time.

Demi said "no ones mad. We're the ones that should be sorry". She corrected herself before I could say anything else "we are sorry". I drifted back to sleep but this time it was dreamless. Thankfully. I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find the meal Demi promised she would leave me. I wasn't planning on eating it but I was living in a house with 4 very noisy teenage girls and one person that lived through an eating disorder. The food needed to be gone.

I got the food and dumped it into a ziplock bag. If I'm not going to eat it I might as well give it to someone who needs it. I went outside still in the clothes I wore yesterday. I found a man sitting on the street with a rough looking dog. I went up to him. I said "here you go. It's pizza, I promise I didn't do anything to it. I need to get rid of it and I don't want to waste it". He have me a warm smile which I returned. A real smile. I handed him a couple of bills and patted his dog before I left.

I went back onto the house, flinching when the door creaked. Dinah appeared looking suspicious. She said "I'm not going to ask why I just caught you sneaking into are house at", she checked her wrist before continuing "whatever time it is. I just wanted to tell you". We both said at the same time "I'm really sorry". I shouted "jinx" at the same time as she did. We both reacted quickly by saying in unison "double jinx. Triple jinx. Quadruple-" we were cut of by Normani shouting "both of you be quiet".

We giggled before walking inconspicuously away from the door. I shouted back to Normani "your the only one shouting". She returned the blow "you just shouted". I gave her back what she dished "so did you". Before she could shout again Ally shouted "both of you quiet it's five in the morning for spaghettis sake". I being slightly sassy shouted "your being hypocritical". Ally didn't respond.

I went into the bathroom after Normani went who knows where. Still worried about my dream I lifted up my shirt. There wasn't the unscarred pale skin there was yesterday. It was replaced by...

You guys are awesome I had the last chapter posted only a few hours ago and two people wanted me to update. That's more than like ever in any of my books thanks. This chapter is dedicated to foghornem. She gave me some ideas and made me really happy. Just to let you guys know, don't read your notifications with your parent/s in the room. My dad looked at me funny when I saw that someone commented. I may of sort of kinda spazzed.

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