Mei's Log: 001

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Hello, this is the log of Mei Falami of the CSS Lost Light, i am the only human aboard this ship, the only human in deep space, and the only human to be exiled to 0-498 and live. My story is long, harrowing, full of death and despair, and strangely some friendships are made. My banishment was technically called something way different, it was called "Execution", hearing that i would be executed was very terrifying, but when the actual trial began i learned the true intention and meaning behind it. I would be exiled to 0-498, a tiny planet that's run by blood-thirsty aliens, which are nicknamed "Greeks" due to the fact that their planets only entertainment (besides earth cooking shows; Guy Fieri has a cult there, a literal cult) is gladiatorial battles. The main arena is named " ⏚⌰⍜⍜⎅ ⏚⟒⏃⌇⏁" which means "Blood Beast",  i personally cannot speak this language since speaking it requires for me to have multiple vocal cords and the ability to perfectly mimic the sound that static makes.
I was sent there after three years on trial, it took about a month or so, i was in cryofreeze so i have no idea if it was months or years, the pod i was sent in was very uncomfortable. The seats of the pod was cheaply made, imagine cold metal foldable chairs, now imagine being stuck in one for a very long while, surprisingly the lack of circulation caused by sitting in one of those chairs didn't affect me later on, but when I got to the planet (and was unfrozen) I basically face planted into the ground the moment they tried to haul me out of it. Which caused some fright on my part, and annoyance on the guards and medics parts. After a while of attempting to move my toes and some boring and probably unnecessary medical exams later, I was escorted (dragged) to a cell that i would live in until I die. Yay. The cell was massive, the floor was dirty with dried blood and other bodily fluids, the walls were made of thick mishmashed plating, the inside was barely lit up by some dingy looking lightbulbs (alien light bulbs), the cell also had a small window that led to the inside of the arena, the window was small compared to the rest of the cell but massive compared to me. The window had a pink electric field instead of glass, however the window didn't matter, it was the other occupants of my cell.
Two enormous mechs, one in a sort of meditating position and the other just stiffly sitting, the one 'meditating' was mostly blue and white, with some yellow accents on its chest, it had a red visor and did not appear to have a mouth (or something was covering it), while the other one had sort of samurai based armor, with two white horns on its head, and a white face with sunken in cheeks, I couldn't see its eyes. I ignored my cellmates in favor of the electrified window and the stone battlefield that lies beyond it, the battle field was massive and did in fact resemble colosseums from ancient times, the floor was made of stone and most of the wall was made of steel, however about 50 feet up the wall ends and electrified chains begin, in front of the walls and the window was a mote of bright blue liquid that steamed and bubbled. I wonder if that's what lava looks like on this planet, or maybe it's melted metal? Whatever, it's clearly to add an extra dangerous element to the battles, makes 'em more interesting to watch i suppose. However the most interesting thing about this arena is the fact that a show is about to start! Two cages, pink and electrified, stood facing each other, one had a tentacle covered beast in it, and the other had a massive blue mech in it.
Unlike my cellmates, this robot wasn't anthropomorphic, it had thin digitigrade legs, a cockpit for a chest; which had guns on it, it had claws for hands (literal claws, like a claw machine but sharper), and one yellow eye. Strange, right? Terrifying, right? Something nobody would want to fight against nor be near, right? Wrong! The first thing I thought was, " I want to fight that thing so bad", and you might be asking yourself; " why would anyone want to fight a 50 foot terrifying bird robot?" and I would answer your question if I did have an answer, I have no clue as to why i wanted to fight it so much. Maybe it was the fact that it looks weird, or maybe that it has guns, or maybe its because its 50 feet tall and im only 5,3'' and it therefore challenges my Chihuahua complex, who knows. The announcer blared it's speech over the jumbo speakers behind the electro-wall, which sounded horrible, the blue mech somehow looks bored and pissed at the same time. Maybe they also don't like the sound? After the announcer stopped speaking (thank god) three beeps shrieked from the speakers, all were short, after the sound stopped the cages dissipated, the announcer seemed to yell in excitement as the squid beast charged.
The bot ran towards it in turn, but just as they were about to collide, the bot jumped above the monster and slammed its body into its skull, cracking it open! The monster thrashed with all its might, tentacles lashing out to its surroundings, one tentacle managed to catch the bot. It threw them away, towards the smelting pit and electrified wall! But the bot managed to transform into a helicopter and swerve away from the death pit and towards the monster. It transformed halfway through and clawed one of the beast's eyes out with its pincers! The beast layed there, motionless, until one tentacle slammed into the bots legs, twisting the joints backwards and rendering them useless, then the beast finally died. Both the mech and the monster lay motionless on the ground, the announcer going absolutely ham on the mic, yelling and hollering. Two sliding doors opened up into the arena, two security guards, one alien medic, and a mech smaller than my cage mates but taller than any human, rushes towards the other 'bot, their frame is white, their torso is turquoise, and their visor is a light blue. 'Another medic or something else?' I wonder as the alien medic talks to the security guards before they strap some sort of pulling device and begin dragging the mech to the doors they just exited. While they were doing this my purple colored cellmate rushed over to the window, 'was it because of the white mech or did they just realized that a battle was going on?' I wondered as I stopped looking out of the window and towards the elevator that just roared to life. There was a loud screeching noise, which caught the attention of both of my cell mates, then there was silence. Ding! The doors creak open and the white mech runs out, the purple mech run towards the other, when they collide the purple mech hugs the other whilst the white mech rattles off in a language I only know very few words in.
From what I gather; the purple ones name is Cyclonus, the white one is Tailgate, and the other one's name is Whirl. Tailgate is talking energetically, waving his hands and talking loudly, while Cy is talking calmly, his voice is kinda soothing, Cy calls Tailgate his 'Conjunx Endura' which probably means something good, I wouldn't know; Cybertronian Culture and Languages was an elective class in my HighSchool. The elevator begins to screech again, when it opens a now practically healed up completely Whirl struts out. Tailgate seems more excited to see Whirl than Cy does, Whirl speaks to them with a strong feminine voice, which is surprising because both Tailgate and Cy use gender neutral oriented suffixes and words. I listen to the three talk for a while, Whirl's voice is nice and loud; like an old friend, Tailgate's voice is rather unremarkable, and I've already told my opinions on Cy's voice. A long while into the conversation Tailgate notices me, 'great now they're definitely talking about me' I think as he proceeds to point out my existence to the other two. Watching them and listening was fun but being picked up and handled like a weird bug, not so fun. So here I am, carefully cupped in Tailgate's palm, eyeing Cy's sharp claws for fingers and Whirl' literal claws for hands, hoping they keep their distance. Suddenly Tailgate taps me lightly with his other hand to get my attention, which (luckily) didn't knock me over. 'Well, you've got my attention now what?' I think humorously. Tailgate then asks me a question, I only caught the last word, but it doesn't take an idiot to know what he's asking, he was asking for my name. So in the best Cybertronian I could speak, I so eloquently stated, "Name Mei". My shitty Cybertronian shocked a laugh outta whirl, a loud cackle which made them sound like a hyena, Cy seemed to sigh at whirl whilst Tailgate proceeded to chastise them. Not even a day into exile and I'm already making friends, maybe my luck really is turning around.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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