Chapter 1

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Camila Cabello sat on the small couch moaning gently as she read through the letter which she held in her small fingers.  Dragging her hand over her brow, she looked in disbelief at the words on the page:

Dear Camila
Troy and I are in love.  He has asked me to marry him and I have gone to Greece to meet him.  We plan on getting married as soon as possible.
I hope that you can be happy for us, and we will be in touch when we return.
All my love

After several more seconds reading and rereading the short note, she finally slammed the paper on the table and cursing under her breath, picked up the phone. She quickly made reservations for the next available flight to Greece, her fingers gripping the phone tightly as she felt the panic which even the thought of flying always raised within her.  Camila remembered the many details Ally gave her about her latest boyfriend, Troy Jauregui, and with a grim set to her mouth she thought about her young sister.  Although there were only three years between them, the two could not have been any more different.  Ally was fun-loving and always surrounded by friends and boyfriends.  She worked in a high-fashion store, and partied every weekend, often giving her sister cause for concern with regard to the direction her life was heading.  Camila, however, was more serious, choosing a small group of friends, preferring to work long hours as a nurse and to stay home.  When their mother died when she was twelve and Ally only nine, Camila assumed much of the burden of raising her sister and keeping house.  Her father was unable to cope with the loss of his much-loved wife, and retreated into himself before his sudden death four years ago.  Camila felt the familiar tears rising to her eyes, thinking again of her father, and how they had never really been able to mend the many bridges before his death.  She wished that she had tried harder to understand, while knowing that at that time she had too much on her plate, looking after her sister and ensuring that they kept a roof over their heads.

Sighing wearily, she thought how she had been looking forward to her week's holiday, now groaning with the realisation that rather than the week of long lie-ins and catching up on the many books she hoped to read, she would now have to traipse all the way to Greece to rescue her sister from herself.  With a shudder, she also felt the fear gripping her knowing that there was only one way to get there.

"Airport", she cried, before finally sitting back, closing her eyes tiredly.  Camila Cabello was a beautiful girl.  While fairly small, only 5'3", her figure had men and women turning wherever she went.  Large brown intelligent eyes sat in her petite round face, giving her an innocent look which many found so appealing.  When she would smile, her soft red lips had the power to completely transform her lovely features, giving her a glow which was breathtaking and which people responded to so warmly, a great trait to have in her job as a nurse.  Although she had many offers from men, Camila preferred to date women, their bodies much more appealing to her. She sighed wearily, having just come off a double shift and having now to deal with her wayward sister.  Rubbing her eyes gently, she wondered how she had missed the signs, frowning wondering how her sister had hidden this from her.  Ally was usually an open book, not able to hide her emotions or keep a secret of any kind.

With tired fingers she pulled her hair from the tight knot which she wore for work, feeling as the long brown hair fell around her shoulders, before pulling it back from her face and securing it once more within a controlled ponytail.  Her whole body sat stiffly, primly, as she looked at her watch, aware of the time to catch her flight.

Thinking back, she remembered how excited her younger sister had been.  It was her first real holiday abroad with her friends, and she waved them off from the same airport with mixed feelings about her going.  Ally was gregarious, fun-loving and incredibly beautiful.  A volatile mix, her older sister thought, worried at her lack of maturity and determination to get every ounce of fun from her week break.  When she came home, she was sad and heartbroken at leaving Greece, and the most perfect man she had ever met: Troy Jauregui, having spent every minute of her time with him.

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