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(( I am absolutely mad because I delete my stories for accidentally. I was trying my best and now I let you guys down.. I'm so sorry about this. I'm going to create these imagine(s) about Neymar x beautiful reader. I hope you enjoy these imagines just like you love my other stories, I will try to update since school finals are coming up. Sorry for my absences and I hope you enjoy this drabble or story. Thank you for waiting and I truly love you guys.
- Mary 😏❤️😭 ))
My name is Neymar Jr, my story isn't about soccer ball or cleats. A real person behind a smile has difficulties about their lives, I'm trying my best to not let my team or fans down, of course I truly love them just like the person who's reading this story. Some people said that I truly don't belong here, which makes me want to think more and my mind is spinning. What did I do to them? Maybe they're just absurds little cunts.

I've got to admit, It's hard to be a man. Females aren't the ones that suffer the most, males does too. I get mad, jealous, happy, sad, or sometimes balefulness is overtaking me. The one that could control my emotions is my precious Y/N. She knows how to make my world light up with fireworks alluring the sky. When I'm being stubborn, she smacks me with her favorite book and that's what makes her more cooler.

"Don't forget Ney, if you being a stubborn little brat, I will slap you with my ring finger." She teased, which she doesn't have a ring finger. Little by little, I have feelings for her and soon she will have a ring finger that will belong to me.

The big game will start any soon, my breath hitched a little which made my heart drop. What if I fail? What if I lose and let my team down? My negative thoughts are taking over me, I need to have confidence, for god's sake!

There's a knock on my front door, it made me jump.

"Neymar?" I heard Y/N's soft voice, she poked her head on the side of the door. You there, buddy?" She added.

"Y-yeah, just... Thinking." I mumbled on the last word.

"Hm?" She hummed. "Something wrong, Ney?" She continued.

I hung my head low, putting my hands on my face. I can't let her see me like this! Dammit Ney, nice work...

"Awe, Ney. Don't tell me your negative thoughts are overtaking you." She said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah..." I stood up, pacing back and forth. "Y/N, what if I let myself down and my fans will start booing at me and my mates are mad at me?!" I said, a hint of panic reaching my voice.

Y/N had an unamsed face, which made me chuckle a little. "Look Ney, everybody knows you're the great brazilian player. Even people from different countries love you!" Her mouth is slowly turning to a small smile. "No matter if you lose or win, they will always support 'till the end, your mates will probably do the same. After all, you guys always show teamwork. If they boo at you, don't forget you're not alone, people will start protecting you, so stop being an doubtful person and show the world you have confidence to win this!" She giggled softly.

That's why I love her so much. I smile warmly at her and hugged her tightly like there was no to morrow to see her. "Thank you, Y/N. That's why I love you." I said softly, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, Ney~" she said, pecking my lips lovingly.

-The game-
People cheering, people singing, people laughing... And supporting us. The ambience around the stadium had a strong state, their countenances was the one I was looking for... Happiness and excited to see us play.

When the 2nd half on the game was starting, we were on point. We were the one that had the precious score; 1. It was 1-0 for now, and I can't let them score on us. With my skills, I trick one of each defenders, fans cheering were getting louder; I kick the ball but it hit to post. People awing in disbelief but somehow the post made the ball inside the net.

People cheers were loud, they were yelling, screaming. I blow a kiss to show how much I love Y/N. I could see her, yelling and made a heart shape to signal that she loves me too. I smiled big and my mates were tackling me from behind and said "you did it" outloud.

Time was passing by fast, I'm still breathing. It was at the last minute, almost there.... I could see people ready to blow, to show that the game ended and we're the champions. 2-0.. This could be my last chance to score, when I was this close to the goal court, the whistle already blowed.. The game has ended.

People cheered, throwing confettis everywhere. I never been this happier in my whole entire life, I could see my beautiful girlfriend running towards me; jumping on me and kissing me passionately. "I told you, you could do it, idiot." She pulled away, and smile widely cupping my cheeks.

That's right.. Without her, I wouldn't be so negative this whole entire life. "I love you, Y/N. Forever and always, I rested my forehead on hers. She smiled widely.

"Me too." She replied, kissing once again. People cheered and my mates were holding the cup, screaming like little kids....

My name is Neymar Jr, my story isn't about soccer ball or cleats, it's about having confidence in yourself and don't take your negative thoughts control you. Y/N, is the one that help me on these type of situations. Of course, I am talking to you whoever is reading this story. Thank you for being at my side no matter what.

(( I'M SORRY IF IT SUCK, IT'S NIGHT HERE AND I CAN'T- Feedback will help me get my stuff together. Till we meet again, ne?
-Mary ❤️))

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