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I am happy. I have everything. I am contented. I have my complete family and bundle of friends whom I can lean with. I must say that my life is beyond fortunate, that there's nothing to fear of and there's nothing to hate.

But that was a lie...

I'm drowning in darkness. I'm alone and sad. There's no one to lean on, and nothing to have.

My name is Crisline Dafroze. My mother is workaholic and my father died at my 7th existence. My life is a mess. I am living lonely that I learnt to clean my own wounds and heal my own scars without the help of anybody.

Not until I discovered something. It's another world, a dangerous world not for anyone. There, I met someone and I couldn't believe that meeting him made my life more challenging, more exciting, and more chaotic that literally turned my sparks of imagination into a real tragic.


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