Baby Shopping and Pregnancy Hormones

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(Jonah's POV)

"This one here is perfect, isn't it?" Hannah asked, picking up the pair of blue and white striped socks from the display counter.

She had that look on her face, the one which was extremely hard to say no to: a big smile split across her face and innocent blue eyes wide, twinkling with the happiness she so deserved.

I couldn't help but give a huge smile, and nodded my head, at which her smile turned to full blown grin and she gave a small yelp of 'yay!'

I laughed at her childishness, which even after all these years, made me fall for her a little harder each time.

I leaned in to give her a peck on the lips, which turned into a full make-out session, leading to an adorable blush to creep up her cheeks.

"Stop it Jonah. Everyone's watching." She said, trying to sound strict. But with her eyes dancing in happiness and the red blush on her cheeks, I doubt even her students would take her seriously.

"So let them watch. I'm just kissing my wife." I returned, teasing her with another kiss.

"Seriously Jonah. Stop." She scolded, even adding a light punch for effect. Yet a punch so light, not even ants would get hurt.

"Okay ma'am." I responded to my beating, but ended up kissing her yet again.

"Jonah." She said, slightly breathless after this amazing kiss we shared. The way she said my name alone had me thinking of the things that weren't appropriate for a person who was standing in an aisle full of baby products.

I took a step closer, and she retreated one step back. This happened a total of three times before she hit the racks behind her and dropped the socks in her hands.

I leaned in a bit, putting my hands on either sides of her head, on the shelves stocked with baby products.

The passion and love was as visible in her eyes as it was in mine. I tucked a stray strand of her golden locks behind her ears and caressing her cheeks, said,

"I love you. So, so much."

She gave me the same intense look I first fell for, the same look I yearned for everyday, the same look which makes me fall in love with her all over again.

"I love you too." She replied, with raw emotions playing in her beautiful eyes like a movie for me to see; love, care,passion.

"I love you both." I said, this time putting my hand on her bulging stomach, rubbing the baby bump with ever so much care, without taking my eyes off her.

Apparently this action was too overwhelming for her, because one second she was giving me the world's biggest smile, and the next she had tears pool in her eyes and run down her cheeks.

I didn't like to see her cry. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

"Come here sweetheart." I pulled her towards me and enveloped her in my embrace, which was hard as I had a lot to embrace, considering the baby bump. She was seven months in already, when it seemed like just yesterday when she delivered the news and I was so happy, that I passed out.

It made her extremely sad, of course, and she was worried that I hadn't wanted a child at all, when the truth was anything but. I agree passing out wasn't the best way to take the news, but it wasn't like I could help it; I was overwhelmed by happiness.

A sob breaking out from Hannah brought me out of my memories, and I tightened my hold on my beautiful and very much pregnant wife, careful enough not to hurt her.

"Don't cry baby. Shh. Stop crying." I kept repeating, moving my hands soothingly down her back. Until finally, she stopped crying, and started hiccuping on my chest.

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