prologue:escape and strange world

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Everything went to hell after forever fall russell sold me out and almost everyone turned on me except my true friends,family,the staff and surprisingly cardin who said he was indebted to me for saving his dumbass but that didn't stop everyone cause even if i saved someone from an ursa major I was still that kid who snuck in

Right now is was running cause some guys jumped me trying to kill me but they failed only to have more of them show up and i was on the run

Sweat dropped from my brow as I was running my ass off as bullet zipped pass me all the time I was thinking is this the next generation of huntsmen people trying to kill someone who wanted to help other

Jaune had barely any time to evade the shot but he couldn't do it forever "bang" he felt a slit pain in his left leg all he could think was i've been shot

Collapsing and rolling a next pain could be felt from his chest and he went flying into a tree

He looked up only to see the fiery inferno of yang xio long holding his breastplate with Weiss right behind her

Weiss:you faker you have no right to be here you could have gotten someone killed with you inexperience

Yang:like ruby or your team

Weiss:yet you survive on blind luck and some how you have not been expelled from here you family must be ashamed of a failure like you in their family

So would yours be proud of want your doing

That shut ice queen up only for him to feel a sharp pain in his a abdomen

Weiss:I don't need their approval or for them to be proud of me all i'm doing is the right thing killing someone who probably was in this for selfish wants hell that's probably why you tried to seduce me for my money

You think your doing the right thing by killing a boy who only wanted to make things better and was after you for who you are not what you are.You know what I don't know what i saw in you now I only wanted to help you and here we are your blade pining me to a tree you will never be better than your father


Jaune:*coughs up blood*this is exactly what i mean you will never be better than your father*dies*

Weiss p.o.v
All i could do is think i am no better than my father i killed someone in cold blood for a fake pieces of paper and harsh words all i could say was
"What have I done"     

Yang p.o.v
His last words were just like my brother(my oc someone has to help jaune on earth)   

Jaune p.o.v on earth
How am i alive weiss stabbed me to death and why am I in a forest

????:who the hell are you boy

All I saw was a tall man with a stumble beard black hair and around 21 with a rifle pointed at me

Jaune:jaune arc

????:what the hell are you doing here

Jaune:I don't know I should be dead

????:what you talking about boy

Jaune:i was stabbed were on remnant are we

????:remnant never thought I hear that name again you arn't on remnant your on a planet called earth without grim,aura and dust the name is zachariah rose

Jaune:how the hell can that be and rose you wouldn't happen to know ruby rose

Zachariah:yes she is my sister she was around 5 when i came here how is the cookie monster

Jaune:good living up to her name inhaling cookies

Zachariah:same old ruby how you know her

Jaune:she is my best friend who helped me through thick and thin  
Zachariach:and the hot head

Jaune:yang she good but she one of the reasons i'm here

Zachariah:same here

Jaune:so zachariah

Zachariah:please call my zack

Jaune:ok zack where are we

Zack:you in america and the year is

Cliffhanger you get to chose the war jaune and oc fight in the 3 options in the next chapter

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