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I don't know if you know this
But if you search up
"Why do I feel so alone?"
They don't really give you
Straight answers
That actually applies to you
I saw multiple times
"Try hanging with friends and family"
What are you supposed to do
When even when you hang with your friends
You still feel alone
Like I'm not really there
What is wrong with me?
I feel like I'm being weighed
Down by something
But what?
I'm so lost
The internet just feeds you nonsense answers
My family thinks I'm
"You're not sad, you're just being a teenager"
A teenager
Does every teenager need to try and find
motivation to get up in the morning?
Does every teenager stare at their wall at
night, feeling numb and not know why?
Does every teenager just want to disappear
because they don't know their purpose?

It's a mad world
I'm just a regular sad teenager
Who cares?
We're all the same
At least
That is what everyone thinks

MIND OF A TEENAGERWhere stories live. Discover now